Open Afternoon at local care home
ON Wednesday, 26 April 2017, from
2pm to 5pm, HC-One Dale Park, in Southport, will be holding an open afternoon.
The event is being held to provide an opportunity for professionals and members
of the local community to meet the new Home Manager, Malcolm Rugen, have a look
round the home and see what improvements have been made and see what the home
has to offer.
HC-One, Dale Park Care Home Manager, Malcolm Rugen said:-
"Having met with Residents and relatives, getting their views on the home and
working with them to make improvements I am keen to meet with the many local
professionals and members of the local community to show them what Dale Park has
to offer and the kind care Residents receive."
HC-One Managing Director, Glen Mason, said:-
"At HC One all our care homes are an important part of the local
community. We regularly hold open days, events and activities in our home which
we invite local people attend to help them meet new people and make new
The home operates an 'open door' policy, so, if you can't make
the open afternoon and are looking for Dementia Residential or Nursing Dementia
Care, for a loved 1 drop in at any time. However, if you would like to meet with
the Manager during your visit please call to make an appointment by calling:-
0333 999 8507.