Southport District Scout Groups have held
annual St George's Day Parade
Photograph by Patrick Trollope
ON St George's
Day, 23 April 2017, Scout Groups form Merseyside, Southport
District held their annual parade. Sadly
this year due to costs and issues around not having a Police Escort, they could
not have a band playing with them. This year's parade was bigger than many in
recent years, due to the addition of some new Scout and Cub Groups within the
District. The weather was perfect for them and all who took part were a credit
to not only the Scout Association, but also the local area. This is the real
face of the majority of our young people and not that of the few who have been
dominating the headlines locally for last few years, for all the wrong reasons.
This year the parade had the many Scouts, Cubs and Beavers walking from
Waterside Lodge, on Marine Drive to Holy Trinity Church on Manchester Road under
a blue sky. If you can help the Scouts with next year's St George's Day parade,
by providing sponsorship, please contact the District via
email and help them to keep this tradition going. Our video of
the Parade can be found on our
YouTube channel or by clicking on the
player in our photographic coverage.
To see our photographic coverage click on