Merseyside Lowland Search and Rescue (MERSAR)
visits Southport

THE newest volunteer emergency response charity has been
gearing up for a very busy summer. Although primarily based on the Wirral,
Merseyside Lowland Search and Rescue (MERSAR) is on call for the whole of
Merseyside, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, under the direction of the local
emergency services, like Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and the Police.
In 2016, for example, the team assisted the search for a missing
boy, at Formby Point, along with other services, including the Coastguard. They
are the equivalent to the Mountain Rescue and every member is a volunteer,
meaning that no charge is made for the Team's services. But just as with
Mountain Rescue, the team members are highly qualified and to put them through
the training requires donations to pay for the training and equipment. The team
have been in Southport a few times and on 22 April 2017, they popped over this
time, to set up shop on Lord Street, Southport, to do a collection.
But the mostly important part of it was to make people aware of them and what
they do. Now with more members qualified, they are getting ready to help with
more emergencies. Currently the team has 25 active members, that includes' Heart
Paramedics, Swift Water Rescue Technicians and a team Doctor. They also have a
host of other volunteers with other skills in training. For more information
about your Lowland Search and Rescue Team, visit:-
MerSAR.Org.UK The charity are looking for
new members and also people to help with fund raising. If you can lend a hand
and help them to save lives, please do get in contact with them. |