SOUTHPORT and Ainsdale golf club is to be the setting for the ‘Women in Business’ meeting on May 12 that will see high profile leaders in business in a bid to forge better partnerships with the media, and greater business development.
Special guest, journalist, Jane Gallagher from the Liverpool Echo will give a brief talk on 'what Journalists want' on the night. In addition, Gill Fell of IMPACT will be giving a short presentation on 'how to develop your business by asking for referrals'. A business referrals system will be set up after the meeting.
A ticket only buffet will be available on the night whereby places can be booked at the price of fifteen pounds with a discount of five pounds given to Chamber of Commerce members.
Enquiries for Membership details are available from Marie at 01704 531710.
Places can be booked at the following address and payments to be in place before May 9.
Chamber of Commerce, 22 Hoghton Street, Southport PR9 OPA by Friday 9th May 2003 Membership details are available from Marie or Andrew on 01704 531710
MEMBERS of St John’s ambulance in Formby are to hold an open day in a bid to beat ignorance of emergency techniques and create greater public awareness on the subject.
The open day on May 7 will take place at 8pm at Ravenmeols Community centre, Park road in Formby. First Aid demonstrations and displays will take place on the night, which is aimed at all family members and groups of all ages.
Registration for a free 3-hour First Aid course is available for those interested and will take place on May 10.
National Mills Open Weekend 10 – 11 May
THIS year more than 400 working Windmills and Watermills will be opened to the public all over the UK. Some mills will have small entrance charges, around £2.00, and at some there will be the opportunity to buy flour ground by the mills them selves! The event co-ordinated by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings will have enthusiasts and other members of the public the opportunity to see our endangered living history of our countryside and towns. Working mills are now very scares, but thanks to the resurgence of organic foods there are now 35 commercial wind and watermills in the UK.
Copies of the are available by post, price £3.50 including p&p. Send cheques or postal orders made payable to SPAB Mills Section, 37 Spital Square, London E1 6DY. Charity No. 231307
For more information you can e-mail: millsinfo@spab.org.uk
or visit their web page at http://www.spab.org.uk/
Southport Reporter has hunted down a local windmill that has just come on the market, so if you have £450,000 to spend you could be the owner of a Windmill at Kirkham, just out side Preston. The owner Brian Peet, told us that
“Living in the Windmill has been a dream come true. We are sad to go, but all our four kids have left home and the 5 bedrooms in our converted mill are now just far too big for us. After 7 years we are putting the windmill on the market, and we want to move to a smaller building in the Fylde countryside.”
“It is very hard thing to do as we have so many happy memories and the views are amazing. But at the end of the day, it is to big and a shame to stop some one eels who has a family from the experience.” His wife Sandra Peet added.
If you are interested visit
page to take a look at the building or ring 01772 252921 for Bairstow Evens Estate Agents.
