Lancashire Care marks
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week 2017

LANCASHIRE Care NHS Foundation Trust is
marking:- 'Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week' next week with a
series of events for its ethnic minority staff to talk about opportunities for
the Trust to have an even more inclusive workforce. 'Equality, Diversity
and Human Rights Week' is marked every year, and
runs from 15 May to 19 May 2017, with NHS organisations across the country celebrating the
week with events. As part of this year's week, which is being run for the 6th
time, Lancashire Care has organised four events for Black, Minority Ethnic (BME)
staff to join a conversation about how the organisation can increase
opportunities and foster a more inclusive workforce.

An electronic survey has also been distributed to all ethnic minority staff to
gather information about their experiences of working Lancashire Care, and the
results of this and the conversations with staff will be used to inform how the
organisation ensures that it is a diverse and
inclusive NHS employer.
Damian Gallagher, Director of Human Resources
at Lancashire Care, said:- "As part of Equality, Diversity and Human
Rights Week this year, we've distributed a survey to our ethnic minority staff
and organised a series of events to hear what our ethnic minority staff say.
What we are doing is all about valuing individuals, ensuring equal access and
opportunities for all and working towards removing discrimination and other
barriers to development."
Julie Ann Bowden, Associate Director of Compliance and Assurance, who is leading
the project, said:- "The NHS is a caring organisation that considers race
equality a priority for its staff. Equality, engagement and motivation leads to
better health for our staff and better health outcomes for patients, communities
and the wider population that we serve. Ensuring we have an inclusive workforce
at Lancashire Care is not an optional extra."
Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week is a national platform for
organisations to highlight their work to create a fairer, more inclusive NHS for
patients and staff. This year's theme:- 'diverse, inclusive, together' was
chosen to reflect the move across the health and care sector towards
collaboration and integration.