Formby Markets start in
the hopes of saving Village businesses
FORMBY Village was bursting with
fabulous stalls which lined Brow's Lane, most manned by local businesses.
The idea is to hold regular events on Friday's throughout the summer. This,
it is hoped, will encourage people to come back into the Village. This new
attraction will take place weekly, every Friday, for 5 months, until the end
of September 2017.
A spokesperson for Formby Parish Council said:- "We have been very
concerned about the decline in visitors to the Village Centre's shopping
facilities over the last few years. This is just 1 of the many ways we are
trying to improve the ambiance of the Village. We have also upgraded the
CCTV system operating in the village to try to make it a safe experience for
shoppers and visitors."
Some local businesses said that:- "No matter what 'improvements' are made, the biggest problem is parking.
This has been made worse with car park charges being implemented in Sumner
Road. As soon at that happened, the decline got faster and faster."
This new Market is based on the markets the village used to hold back in the
1980's and 1990's, but which were stopped by a number of factors, that
included issues with Sefton Council.
We have been told that there will be 30 stalls in total, running down Chapel
Lane and that there will be no financial charge to the Parish Council, as
the market will be run by Sefton Council.
The market will include 1 stall, every
week, that will be available for free, which can only be used by a Formby
based organisation, school or charitable trust. To apply to use this stall,
please contact Formby Parish Council Clerk based in Formby Library, Duke
Street on:- 01704 395 955.
Despite the weather, the inaugural Formby Market appeared to go down well.
So what do you, our readers think about this idea? Did you attend the 1st
event on Friday, 12 May 2017? Email us your thoughts and views to:-