Bike project supporting
local people to hold 1st sale

A Liverpool based bike project, which
supports local people who are unemployed, asylum seekers or have learning
disabilities, is getting ready to hold its first bike sale and community event
after restoring and servicing more than 50 bikes in the year it's been up and
The social enterprise, Recycles Merseyside,
set up by The Salvation Army's Stoneycroft Corps (Church) in the Old Swan area
of Liverpool, offers a bike mechanic course to local people, many of whom are
experiencing homelessness.
The course attendees refurbish bikes which have been donated to the project,
giving them hands on experience and the ability to learn new skills.
Phil Doragh, Project Coordinator, at The Salvation Army's Recycles Merseyside,
said:- "At Recycles we work with some very vulnerable people and equip
them with new skills. We believe if we give people the opportunities they can
transform their own lives and this has been true at Recycles. Attending also
gives services users focus as well as a boost to confidence. We've seen a huge
difference in those who have completed the bike mechanic course.
Recycles gives local people access to a project that can make a tangible
difference to their lives. Also, we're able offer an affordable bike service,
and in some cases this means people are able to continue to use their bikes
which allow them to get to work every day. Essentially there are three key aims
of our project and that's to encourage recycling, promote exercise and to help
transform lives."
It takes around 6 weeks to complete the bike mechanic course if service users
attend twice a week. The project operates from a workshop attached to the corps
which is equipped to enable up to 4 people to work at once.
Phil, continued:- "Over the last year the local community has very
generously donated bikes which we've now refurbished ready to sell. We're
holding our first bike sale to give local people the opportunity to purchase
affordable bikes while supporting the community. It would be wonderful if anyone
with an old bike could think of donating it to us so we can continue to make a
difference to the most vulnerable local people."
One service user, Tony, began attending the project in February 2017. He is
currently living in The Salvation Army's Centre for people experiencing
homelessness, Darbyshire House.
Tony, 51, said:- "It's been wonderful coming to Recycles as
it's given me a focus, something to look forward to. After completing the bike
mechanic course I now volunteer at Recycles, helping others which has been a
huge boost."
The bike sale and community event will be held at The Salvation Army,
Stoneycroft, from 10am until 2pm, on Saturday, 13 May 2017. Bike themed music and drama
will run throughout the day.
The Salvation Army has been helping people to transform their lives for more
than 150 years. Stoneycroft Corps runs a number of activities to support the
community. To find out more go