Bikes fixed – for free

MECYCLE café and bike workshop, in
Ainsdale, is delighted with the success of the Big Bike Revival (BBR) and starts
its final week of providing free bike services from Monday, 22 May until Saturday, 27 May
2017. MeCycle, which is part of Autism Initiatives and supports young adults with
autism in work placements, is taking part in BBR; a national campaign to
encourage people to enjoy the benefits of cycling; by making bike repairs for
Vicky Jones, MeCycle Manager, said:- "During the 1st week we serviced or
fixed 138 bikes, which was more than we did in a 2 week period last year (2016).
People were queuing up outside before we opened and as the week went on we had
to turn some people away. So make sure you get your bike down here early in the
week!" MeCycle mechanics will make straight forward repairs such
as brakes, cables and inner tubes. They will also run guided
bike rides on Fridays for the whole 6 weeks of the Big Bike Revival, from 10am, call:- 01704 579353 to book a ride. |