Frack Free Southport
hold event on Lord Street

ON Saturday, 13 May 2017, Frack
Free Southport (FFS) held an event outside Barclays Bank on Lord Street in
support of this year's Global Divestment of Fossil Fuels campaign. All over
the world, major institutions have been asked to dump their investments in
fossil fuel companies, a major driver of climate change. Barclays Bank has
been targeted by protesters throughout the UK, owing to its investments in
the fracking company, Third Energy. Barclays has now bowed to pressure and
agreed to pull out of backing fracking.
FFS delivered a letter to the manager of Barclays Bank, and gave customers
information on the issues of divestment and fracking, asking them to
consider switching to another bank. Their information stall entertained
passers by with humorous songs with serious messages about the many concerns
surrounding fracking. These include the dangers of:- water and air
pollution, the use of known carcinogens, earth tremors, radioactive waste
transport and disposal, falling house prices, increased house insurance, and
prevention of house sales. The latter is already happening close by on the
FFS's Global Fossil Fuel Divestment action was initiated by Colin Marshall:-
"Our group's recent visits to the Cuadrilla fracking site at Preston
New Road, Little Plumpton, made me want to alert the people of Southport to
the dangers of fracking on their doorstep. The site is only 10 miles from
Southport as the crow flies. The fracking process has already started even
closer to us with Seismic Surveys in Formby last year, and our beach is a
licensed area for fracking. I chose Barclays as they are so heavily involved
in fracking and the fossil fuel industry."

The FFS event was attended by Labour candidate, Liz Savage
and Lib Dem candidate, Councillor Sue McGuire. Sue McGuire was actively
involved in Ribble Estuary Against Fracking, the 1st anti fracking group in
England. There was also a visit from new Labour Metro Mayor Steve Rotherham.
FFS spokesperson Lesley Graham said:- "We were delighted to hold our
1st awareness raising event in Southport. We displayed our new banner
featuring the English translation of Southport's Latin motto 'Salus Populi'
For the Health of the People. We are concerned that Southport's popularity
as a seaside resort and retirement destination with its many Care Homes
would be threatened by the effects of fracking. There is an ever growing
mountain of evidence clearly demonstrating the many dangers to health caused
by the fracking process; children and pregnant women are particularly at
risk, as are people with respiratory problems such as asthma. We strongly
urge all Southport residents to get informed; just Google 'Fracking and

Contact Frack Free Southport via:-
FrackFreeSouthport.Org.UK. If you are
interested in getting involved, we are told that you can attuned meetings on
the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month 7.30 pm Bold Hotel, Lord St. |