Southport Triathlon - Vital
Sporting Events 2017
Photographs Patrick Trollope.
THE Southport Triathlon has huge
potential to become a fantastic spectator event for the Town, but more
information needs to be given out by Vital Sporting Events to local media to
achieve this. But saying that, we found the event was extremely well attended by
competitors, who came from far and wide to take part in what was also a ETU
Sprint Distance Triathlon European Championship Qualifier. At the event was a
representative of
2017 who was giving out invites and goodies to the qualifiers. If you have
not been to Glasgow, this is a must see City, and is one of the world's
top 5 sporting cities in Europe, so your in for quite a show should you attended
over 2 August to 12 August 2017. The weather
on Sunday, 21 May 2017, might not have been amazing, but the temperature was
just right for the running and cycling part of the triathlon. If you don't
already know, this event also included an open water swim in the Marine Lake.
Throughout the race, Scouts from
District HQ, whose land was used as
the start and finish area, helped man on and off the water. They did an amazing
job and are a credit to the local area. Also doing a fantastic job were members
of the West Lancs. Yacht Club (WLYC) who also assisted. We were repeatedly told by
those taking part in the event that this is one of the best and most enjoyable
events on the Epic Events portfolio. Not 1 person said that they had not enjoyed
the triathlon and all those we spoke to said that they can't wait to come back
next year!
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To see our full photographic coverage of this event, please click on
To see our full photographic coverage of this event, please click on
To see our full photographic coverage of this event, please click on
To see our full photographic coverage of this event, please click on