Mermaids come ashore in New Brighton ahead
of busy summer

AN exciting new tourist trail celebrating a New Brighton legend is set to
become the resort's latest visitor attraction; just in time for summer.
The New Brighton Mermaid Trail, which takes its inspiration from:- 'The
Black Rock Mermaid' who was said to have appeared to a local sailor in
New Brighton in the 18th Century, is to be officially unveiled, on Wednesday, 7
June 2017.
The Mermaid Trail is a set of 6 identical Mermaid statues situated in key
locations across New Brighton. They have each been individually decorated, 4 of
them by local Schools, 1 by a community group and 1 by the local artist who
designed and sculpted the statues, Barry Canning Eaton. Both the design and
decoration have been kept a closely guarded secret in the lead up to the
Each statue is accompanied by an information board which, when followed in
order, takes trail followers through a story based on the legend of:- 'The
Black Rock Mermaid', as told by local storyteller Cathy Roberts.
Starting from Kings Parade, the 1st statue; the 'Ebb and Flow Mermaid'
is situated next to the Championship Adventure Golf and is decorated by children
and young people engaged with Ebb and Flow Community Interest Company, with its
decoration inspired by natural wonders in and around New Brighton.
Statue number 2 is the work of pupils from St Mary's Catholic College, with a
nautical and sea faring inspired decoration that they have called:- 'The
Inked Siren of Black Rock.' This is situated on the corner of Victoria
Road and Atherton Street, close to New Brighton Railway Station.
The location of the 3rd mermaid is on Seabank Road near to its Junction with
Magazine Lane. The 'Rock On Mermaid' is decorated by pupils from
The Mosslands School, in Wallasey and tells a strong story of young people, boys
and girls, who are finding their own voice.
Vale Park, looking out onto the Promenade, is where visitors will find the 4th
Mermaid, decorated by young people who attend Wirral Hospitals' School.
Entitled:- 'Paxtonea; the Soothing Siren' its decoration tells the
story of the legend in a way that provokes awareness of the sensory needs of
people with anxiety and on the autistic spectrum.
Pupils from St George's Primary School are responsible for the 'Mermaid of
Memories', the 5th statue on the trail. Situated on the Promenade,
opposite the Floral Pavilion Theatre and Conference Centre, the pupils have
sought through their decoration to take people on a journey back in time to a
dark yet glowing evening at New Brighton fairground.
The trail ends on Victoria Parade in 'Old Town' New Brighton with
the 6th statue; the eponymous Black Rock Mermaid; this 1 decorated by the
creator of the Mermaid statues, Barry Canning Eaton.
The Mermaid Trail project has been made possible thanks to a successful bid for
₤10,935, by the New Brighton Coastal Community Team (NBCCT) to the Burbo Bank
Extension Community Fund, a grant scheme set up by DONG Energy to benefit
voluntary groups and organisations located near to the coastline where it is
carrying out the extension to the Offshore Wind Farm.
Caroline Laing, Wirral Council's representative on the New Brighton Coastal
Community Team, said:- "It is hoped that the trail will raise awareness of
the legend of The Black Rock Mermaid and bring her story to the attention of the
hundreds of thousands of visitors the resort attracts each year. The trail is
purposefully designed to show visitors parts of New Brighton that they might not
otherwise have got to see and show them some of the attractions and unique
character that can be found away from the traditional tourist locations."
Caroline and other members of the New Brighton Coastal Community Team, will be
joined by the artist, Barry Canning Eaton, Lee Rollason from funders DONG
Energy, those who decorated the statues and other local people on a walkabout of
the trail to mark the official launch, on Wednesday, 7 June 2017.
They are being led by local storyteller Cathy Roberts of Literally A Bookshop,
who will recite the tale as they go. The trail will begin at 11am.
It is hoped that local residents and visitors to New Brighton will also take
part in the launch by joining the Mayor of Wirral at the end of the trail, on
the 7 June 2017, at 2.45pm, at Victoria Road, near to The Olive Tree restaurant.
After that, the Mermaid Trail is officially open to the public. A special guide,
featuring a custom made illustrated map by local artist Anita Cunningham of Fat
Cat Illustration, is available for ₤1 from local shops and businesses across New
These include:- Championship Adventure Golf, Floral Pavilion,
Fort Perch Rock, Caffe Cream, Vale House Cafe and Tearooms, Literally A Bookshop
on Atherton Street opposite the train station. The Ship Hotel, Wirral Model Shop
and Cabovino Wine Bar and Tapas in The Old Town on Victoria Road and Victoria
Parade will also have the guide on sale.
Wirral Chamber of Commerce, Mother Redcaps (A Cumbric Care Home) and local
couple Carl and Rose Leckey have each sponsored an individual Mermaid and will
also be in attendance at the launch. |
Woodvale Rally 2017 - Update

THIS year's Woodvale
Rally is getting closer and the picture of
what's going to happen at this year's show is starting to form. On Saturday, the
event will have the fantastic Ray
Quinn from X-Factor and former Brookside
star attending along with the stunning new Miss Liverpool City Region, Elli
Wilson. Plus on Saturday, the event will
have Teen Star finalist, Astrid
Smith, from Birkdale, who will be
performing at this year's show on the Southport Radio Stage. On Saturday, we can
also tell you that the other acts on the Southport Radio stage will be, Jacqui
Lewis, Secret Ukulele band, Brown on Blonde, Mike Byrne and the Sunrockers,
along with Southport's So Talented Show Troupe, from the So Talented Academy.
Sunday's programme is yet to be announced.. Other highlights at this
year's show will include main acts which will take place on both days of this
event, for example, the equestrian displays by Jema Leopold, also a chance to
watch racing teams of pigs, sheep, goats and ducks! Plus West Lancs Dog Display
Team who will be putting on lots of shows... For the youngest visitors to the
show, the Crazy Bears will be on site, both days... Other highlights are to be
announced on the show's Facebook
Page and
Twitter account, so keep logged on to find
out more... Advance Tickets are now on sale on Tickets can also be obtained via the following
authorised outlet:- If you need help with booking
stands or checking about your exhibition stands call:- 07946094746. Please note
that this phone number is not for tickets or camping information...!

