"Friendship group gave me a lifeline"
says Edna

FORMER Southport Equal Opportunities worker Edna Palmer was left feeling
isolated when she lost her husband who had shared many of life's experiences.
Then she turned to her local Oddfellows' friendship group; and says she's been
smiling with new found friends ever since thanks to the 5 ingredients offered by
the society.
Edna, 67, of Marshside, Southport, said:- "It's 8 years ago since I joined
Oddfellows. When I lost my husband Albert I must say I was a bit lost, and I
didn't know many people in the area. But as soon as I was persuaded to join by a
friend I was hooked. I'd recommend it to anyone. You can just walk in to 1 of
our meetings and give it a try or book something and then see if it's for you
just like I did. I wanted to meet friends, and now I love it. We have visits to
stately homes, theatre trips and have meals out, many of the things I enjoy and
used to do with my husband. I go on nearly all of the events, you get to meet
people within Oddfellows, and it leads you into other friendships as well."
The Ormskirk and Southport branch meets at the Royal Clifton Hotel, Southport,
on the 1st Wednesday of each month, at 10.00am, when they get together for
coffee, to chat and book events and trips.
Edna is speaking in support of Ormskirk and Southport Oddfellows' Get your 5 a
Day, every Day local promotional campaign as it appeals for new members to come
along and give the group a try with regular social events, care and welfare
support, travel clubs, discounted offers and access to its heritage.
For more than 2 centuries, the Oddfellows, with 310,000 members and 132 Branches
nationwide, has been serving up a unique recipe of friendship and support to
local members, with the 5 key ingredients of regular social events, care and
welfare support, travel clubs, discounted offers and access to its heritage
through archives.
To find out more about the Oddfellows in Ormskirk and Southport, and to receive
a membership pack and local events diary, contact Bonita Hesketh on:- 01695
email or visit them
for further details.