Conference held to drive quality improvement
in healthcare delivery
LANCASHIRE Care NHS Foundation Trust recently organised a conference to nurture
quality improvements in the way healthcare is delivered by the Trust.
A range of speakers from Lancashire Care, NHS England, and the Advancing Quality
Alliance attended the ‘Quality Improvement Conference' at the Marriott Hotel in
Preston to talk about examples of changes that have resulted in quality
improvements. This year's event, held on 12 May 2017, also coincided with
'International Nurses
Day.' Elsewhere in the Trust, a series of smaller events, including:- cake and tea
afternoons, were held in which staff came together to mark 'International Nurses
Dee Roach, Director of Nursing and Quality at Lancashire Care NHS Foundation
Trust, said:- "This conference was held to encourage quality healthcare
that involves providing services that are safe, effective, patient centred,
timely, efficient and equitable. Quality is at the heart of everything we do at
Lancashire Care and the Quality Improvement Conference is one way to nurture and
drive further improvements. The event went very well and was well attended. It
was lovely opportunity to hear of improvements in the past year or that are
underway and that are beginning to make a difference. It was as usual great
listening to staff providing first hand real life stories about quality change
and the impact these changes have had on enabling us to be the best we can be.
This year's event also coincided with International Nurses Day 2017 which is
annually held to commemorate Florence Nightingale's birthday."
'International Nurses Day' takes place every year, on 12 May, to commemorate
the birthday of Florence Nightingale with nurses, healthcare professionals and
people who use services using the day to acknowledge the extra mile nursing
staff go to deliver high quality care.