Shining motors and blue Sky
at this year's Woodvale Rally...
Photograph by Patrick Trollope.

THIS was 1 of the
hottest Woodvale Rallies yet. Over 17 June and 18 June 2017, with blue sky and Sun throughout both days, you
could not have asked for better. This hot weather brought out the crowds and it
even led to a few issues getting into Southport, on Sunday at 1 stage… Over
night was also amazing, with a laser show outside, for those camping and live
music in the bar… Plus most of those camping had many hours enjoying the warm
short night, looking up at the stars and telling motoring tales…

For VIP's this year, Saturday had the great local X-Factor finalist and former
Brookside Star, Ray Quinn, taking to the stage. Also not only that, the day had
Miss Liverpool City Region 2017, Elli Wilson, Miss Southport 2017, Gwen Raby and
for the ladies, Mr. Liverpool City Region, Tom Khan! But on Sunday, for 1 of her
very last appearances as the presiding Miss England, the stunning Miss England,
was none other than Elizabeth Grant. Plus, on Sunday, the show welcomed the
Mayor of Sefton…
For live and acts music, the popular Mike Byrne and the Sunrockers were among
the many entertainers to take to the main stage during the weekend and the
Norman village re-enactment, on their first visit to the rally, also proved
popular as well as educational. Other fantastic acts included:- Brown on Blonde
- Female Duo, So Talented Show Troupe, and Jacqui Lewis, along with the rising
star Astrid Smith…
Other entertainment included the West Lancs Dog Display Team and Jemma Leopold
did amazing shows in the main arena... Also, we have to mention the show's most
regular act, the Crazy Bears, who kept young show goers entertained on both
This year also saw a slight time warp on Victoria Park, that led people into the
12 Century, as The Historia Normannis Southport Group set up camp to deliver
battles and living displays to teach about medieval life.
The show's General Manager, Peter Wood. Said that:- "It has been a
wonderful show, blessed with superb weather. The showground was packed and it
was great to see so many people enjoying the many attractions and entertainment
in such glorious sunshine."
Charlie Scott, the show's Vehicle Display Manager, added:- "The car
section was very successful this year with an amazing turn out. The judges had a
really hard job picking the winners in all categories. The standard was so high.
These guys had certainly put in a lot of effort into making their cars look so
Miss England 2017, Elizabeth Grant, who is just 21 years old, and from Preston,
said:- "I've had a wonderful day. It's the first time I've been to the
rally and I'm amazed at how much is going on. We had a good look around and my
mum spotted a car she used to have when she was a kid. We went from looking at
cars to watching the re-enactment of a Norman battle then on to touching
reptiles. It's been fantastic."
Organisers are delighted with the success of this year's rally. Bookings for
camping, tickets and attractions have already been taken for next year's event,
which takes place on 16 June and 17 June 2018.
Please click on
here to see our
Part 1 of our photographic coverage from this amazing Southport
Did you attend? Please let us know what you thought of the show by emailing us
For further information visit:-
and to take part in next year's show, please
them as soon as you can, as next year will have many more surprises…
Southport Armed Forces Day

Forces Day 2017 will be held on Sunday, 2 June 2017. The event is aimed at
honouring the British Armed Forces, both past, present and future. The main show
will be held in the Town Hall Gardens, on Lord Street. A Drumhead Service will
be held at 10am and a Parade will take place from 10:30am. We are told that
throughout day live music is to be played. The Parade will start on Chapel
Street then move onto Hoghton Street, Hill Street and then onto Lord Street. It
is due to terminate at the Town Hall. Taking part will be 4 Lancs Military
Bands, Army Reserves 156 Regiment RLC, Army, Air and Sea Cadets, plus a host of
Military Vehicles from past to present day. For more information call:- 01704
565 006.