Green Acres Rainford opens
its doors to Naming Ceremonies

NAMING Ceremonies at Green Acres
Rainford offer parents the opportunity to celebrate the birth or the naming of a
child and to welcome them into the family unit.
Set in 65 acres, the serene and peaceful woodlands at Green Acres Rainford
provide the perfect setting for an alternative and non-religious ceremony.
Keely Thompson, Marketing Manager said:-
"We are excited to be able to offer families our stunning Woodland Hall with its
floor to ceiling glass windows overlooking a wildflower meadow and picturesque
valley for baby naming ceremonies. Our venue will provide a truly unique and
special day to celebrate your precious new addition to the family."
Naming ceremonies are typically led by a family member or celebrant, they can
involve readings or poems, parental promises and commitments to the child as
well as to each other, the appointment of 'guideparents' and perhaps a symbolic
action such as planting a tree, signing a certificate or writing in a wish book.
Baby Naming Packages start from £350, this includes hire of the stunning
Woodland Hall for one hour, a unique ceremony written and conducted by Lorraine
Hull, Liverpool Celebrant and tea, coffee and juice for after the ceremony.
Steam Packet Company supports
rehabilitation charity's trip to the Isle of Man

A former member of the Royal Engineers
has spoken about how a trip to the International Southern 100 Road Races,
supported by the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company, has assisted his
rehabilitation following a life changing injury.
Jeff Winder was serving in Iraq in 2004 when he lost a leg in an explosion while
clearing improvised explosive devices in civilian areas. His self confidence was
badly affected and despite being a keen biker he had not been on a motorcycle
since suffering the injury.
That changed when fellow former soldier Rob Maxwell invited Jeff to join a
bikers' trip to the Isle of Man with the Letsdo rehabilitation charity. Rob has
been bringing injured former service personnel to the Southern 100 since 2015,
encouraging them to engage in social activities and restore their enjoyment of
The Steam Packet Company has assisted with the travel costs for each visit, and
this year will be bringing over a group of 6 from Northern Ireland and England
for the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Southern 100 International Road Races,
which take place around the Billown circuit from 10 July to 13 July 2017.

Jeff explained:- "The trip to the Southern 100 was an eye opener as the
people on the Island were all very friendly and interested in our group. The
racing was excellent, the weather was great and Rob did a fantastic job making
sure everything went smoothly. He always goes above and beyond, as did the Steam
Packet Company.
We were well looked after by the Steam Packet Company staff, who kept our group
to one side and assisted us onto the ferry before escorting us to our seats.
The trip to the Isle of Man helped restore my confidence and self worth, and has
given me a chance to show others what can be done if you put your mind to it. Letsdo has helped many other veterans and other disabled people realise that
there are things out there that can help put a smile on your face.
I'd like to thank everyone involved on behalf of myself and the silent few who
really appreciate what has been done for us."
Letsdo was formed by Rob and Steve Timblin, who both underwent limb amputations
following injuries sustained while serving in the British Army, to assist former
armed forces personnel come to terms with life changing injuries and find new
Rob said:- "We organise events to encourage injured veterans to develop a
positive mental attitude by giving them something fun to focus on. Jeff's story
is just one of many that show that visiting the Southern 100, and the wonderful
people of the Isle of Man, contributes massively to their rehabilitation as they
come to terms with devastating and life changing injuries, and realise being
injured doesn't mean the things you enjoy in life are over.
I'd like to thank the Isle of Man Steam Packet for its continued support, which
plays a massive part in ensuring these trips go ahead."
Isle of Man Steam Packet Company Chief Executive Mark Woodward added:- "It
is very moving to hear Jeff's story and to understand how these visits to the
Isle of Man are directly helping injured veterans. We are honoured to play our
part and hope attending the Southern 100, which we have sponsored for so many
years, continues to assist with this rehabilitation."
New measures to tackle
environmental crime

AN environmental crime hotline and a
crackdown on late night takeaways that don't clear litter from outside their
premises are among new measures set to be introduced to tackle blight in
It is the latest in a series of measures being proposed following a request from
Mayor Joe Anderson for action to make Liverpool cleaner and greener.
The hotline will enable residents to provide information in confidence to help
the City Council catch individuals involved in environmental offences such as
fly tipping, litter and dog fouling; and they may be eligible for a reward if it
leads to penalties or charges.
There will also be a crackdown on late night takeaways that don't take steps to
reduce the amount of litter around their premises; with persistent offenders
having their license conditions reviewed and their opening hours reduced.
It follows a doubling in the number of staff tackling fly tipping and cleaning
alleyways, with 4 new teams working 7 days a week. The work; focused initially
on Kensington - is being followed up with pest control to tackle rodents, and
education and enforcement activity to support residents to keep areas clean.
The enforcement team have also been supplied with hidden cameras to gather
evidence in fly tipping hotspots and issue £400 fixed penalty notices to
Mayor Joe Anderson said:- "We are absolutely determined to tackle the
curse of litter and fly tipping which blights some parts of our City and are in
this for the long haul.
We are doing our bit by investing more in clearing the backlog of rubbish in
alleyways and following this up with support to help make sure people dispose of
their waste sensibly. But on the flip side, we will not hesitate to take
enforcement action where we are able to act on information, whether it is
provided confidentially by members of the public or from investigations carried
out by our staff.
Our residents deserve to live in a clean and green environment and not have it
trashed by residents and landlords who think it is someone else's responsibility
to clear up their mess. If someone provides us with information that leads to
prosecution, it is right and proper that we provide some kind of reward for that
if it is deemed appropriate."
Other measures being considered by the Cabinet, on
Friday, 7 July 2017 included:-
► Working with schools to educate children and families about the importance of
minimising waste and recycling more and introducing an annual competition with
prizes for the best ideas.
► Continuing to give environmental grants of up to £500 for community clean ups,
flower planting and the creation of community gardens.
► Visiting businesses to make sure they are adequately licensed for waste
Funding is coming from efficiency savings made by creating a new arms length
company to operate refuse collection and street cleansing; Liverpool Street
Scene Services Limited.
Councillor Steve Munby, Cabinet member for neighbourhoods, said:- "This
is a comprehensive plan to tackle the issues caused by litter and fly tipping in
Liverpool through a mix of clearance, enforcement and education. We are doing
our very best to show we care for the area to inject pride back in to
neighbourhoods and want that to be reciprocated by people helping us to keep the
City tidy as well."
Work is underway to clean and repair four foot alleyways to improve the storage
of waste, as well as introducing larger recycling sacks, expanding weekly
recycling services for City Centre apartment blocks and piloting weekly
And a team of 14 environmental enforcement officers from Kingdom are issuing £80
fixed penalty notices to people caught dropping litter.
Street cleaning currently costs Liverpool Council Tax Payers £8.5 million per
year and last year more than 6,500 tonnes of waste was collected from street
cleansing rounds.
Earlier this year, 2 serial fly-tippers who were caught dumping tonnes of
illegal trade waste, including asbestos, yards from a children's dance school
were jailed following a surveillance operation by the Council and Merseyside
Metro Mayor welcomes priority for Cross
Rail for the North
LIVERPOOL City Region Metro Mayor,
Steve Rotheram has welcomed the announcement from Lord Andrew Adonis and the
National Infrastructure Commission Northern Powerhouse Rail today to make
Northern Powerhouse rail one of the top three investment priorities for
The proposal for a high speed West to East rail link connecting northern Cities
was a key manifesto pledge for the Metro Mayor, and has been a major priority
for the City Region. Lord Adonis's recommendation comes after both major parties
pledged to support the project during the recent General Election campaign.
Steve Rotheram commented:- "I welcome the latest endorsement from Lord
Adonis and the National Infrastructure Commission. There is now a growing
recognition that this is a project with national significance and value that is
at least as important as HS2 and the Heathrow Third Runway. Quite simply it is
absolutely key to the Northern Powerhouse vision and the compelling need to
rebalance the UK economy."
Steve Rotheram recently joined forces with his opposite number in Greater
Manchester, Andy Burnham. To champion the project, but also emphasise the
overwhelming case for starting the project in Liverpool with an initial phase
connecting the City to Manchester and Manchester Airport.
He explained:- "Of course I want to see this project delivered in its
entirety, but we should start where we can get the biggest and best value for
money return. Linking Liverpool to Manchester would be by far the easiest and
most economically viable phase and would have the added benefit of also
connecting our City Region to HS 2. This would integrate North to South and
West to East high speed networks and provide much needed additional freight
capacity to support the growth of the Port of Liverpool.
It would also link the Cities with the greatest degree of physical and economic
synergy, and where the agglomeration benefits are greatest. It's by deepening
and improving connectivity between Liverpool and Manchester that we can, in the
short term, create an integrated urban economy with scale and diversity to
balance London."