The Orange Lodge set to
return to Southport

ON Wednesday, 12 July 2017, the Orange
Lodge will hold their annual Orange Lodge Parades and in Southport, 125
different Lodges are due to take part. This year we are told marks 327th
Anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne, at the River Boyne, on 12 July 1690,
when King William III of Orange was victorious over his rival King James II. The
day, on Merseyside, we are told starts for the Lodge Members at 8am, when
members will hold parades within their local areas, that includes:- Garston,
Norris Green and Dingle. Then the local Liverpool Provincial Grand Orange Lodge
members will head to Southport and hold a parade at approximately 11.15am.
Members will then walk back through the Town Centre at approximately 5.15pm.
Drivers are warned to expect delays if heading through Southport Town Centre as
the 2 Orange parades take place. Please email us your views and thoughts about
this event to:-