A Blooming Success…
Report by Dale Robinson and photographs by Patrick Trollope.
WITH over 36,000 visitors from
all over the North West passing through the gates over the three day long event Southport Spring Garden Festival at Meols Hall was a fantastic success, despite rather mixed weather. The show had its best ever floral displays, with displayers showing just what is possible if one has the flair and patience. The floral art competition brought us ingenious designs and the craft stalls offered a variety of intriguing items. The commercial stalls held a satisfying range of goodies and there were a number of good quality, reasonably priced places for snacks and drinks. Even the toilet facilities were clean and well maintained. With bands like the St Helens Concert Band, The Houghton Weavers and the Merseyside Police Brass Band playing and blue bells under the trees, everyone had a quintessentially English experience. Tom Stewart from Kirby said, “A real English garden and house with a real English atmosphere, that is friendly and relaxed, with no hype. The only bad point is that there are no cash points on the grounds, so you have to go to the shops outside to get cash back. That is if a store does not take a credit card and you do not have enough cash on you. Saying that it has been a fantastic day out for all of us and I will be back next year.” Aimee Watson from Chester said,
“It is fantastic now. The sun is out and the rain has given the air a fantastic, cool, clean feel. It has been good as well for my husband, who suffers from hay fever, as it has kept the pollen down.”
Kelly Kenworth from Blackpool added,
“The organisation of the show is fantastic and parking is well managed. Even the toilets are spotless. This show makes you jubilant at being British!”
Under canvas you found bonsai displays, flower arranging, cookery classes and lost of other activities. Interesting that all the people we talked to said the same; that they waited for the sun before setting off. In very un-journalistic behaviour, it did get me puzzled, just as to what it would have been like, if the sun had blazed down as it did before Easter? I think it would have seen even more people, but we will never know and I, like all the others, will have now to wait to next year. Spring it on!
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