- The
battle of the blooms is on...!
- Report with thanks to Claire Norman at
DAZZLING dahlias and luscious lawns will have their chance to shine this summer as the 2003 tenants’ gardening competition gets underway.
Greenfingered householders have until the end of this month to submit their entries for the battle of the blooms, which for the first time is open not only to city council tenants, but also to tenants of most housing associations.
And judges are expecting the standard to be exceptionally high once again – they were reported to be ‘gobsmacked’ with the 80 or so entries last year. The winners this year will once again be unveiled at a prize ceremony with the Lord Mayor of Liverpool at the Town Hall.
Executive member for housing Cllr Flo Clucas said:- “There are so many people out there who put tremendous effort into their gardens, and take such pride in making them look so lovely. It’s a pleasure to see the joy the gardeners themselves, and so many other people, get from their hard work.”
There are several categories this year. They are: best individual garden, best group of (front) gardens (open to four or more gardeners), best window box or hanging display, best senior citizen’s garden, best communal gardens, and best garden adapted for someone with restricted mobility.
Tenants can enter as many categories as they want. Entry forms and more information about which housing associations are involved, are available from Karen Cox on 0151 233 5412, or people can write in stating which category they would like to enter, including their name, address (and post code), telephone number and landlord. Entries should be sent to the Participation Development Unit, FREEPOST, Regeneration, NWW 3209, Liverpool L1 6JP. The deadline is Friday May 30.

Report with thanks to Julia Brough.
THE latest in the hugely popular
‘Birdwatching for All’ events takes place next weekend featuring specially organised coastal walks.
On Saturday (May 17th) there will be a Marshside RSPB reserve walk and a visit to the hides at the reserve to view some of the thousands of wildfowl that arrive in the area every year.
Then on Sunday there will be another introduction to birdwatching event with a Ribble Estuary walk along the sea wall and the edge of the English Nature Reserve.
Both walks are free, about three/four miles long and will give all members of the family the chance to identify the many different birds that gather along the Sefton coast. There will also be advice and information from Sefton Coast and Countryside rangers and RSPB and English Nature wardens.
Tourism officers and leisure services’ Coast and Countryside service have joined forces with the English Nature Ribble Estuary National Nature Reserve and the RSPB at Marshside Nature Reserve to organise a year-long series of ‘Birdwatching for All’ events on the pier and beach.
Lord Fearn, Sefton’s Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Tourism, said:- “These ‘Birdwatching for All events are growing in popularity and hundreds of people turn out every time one is organised. With the weather warming up we expect even more people to attend this weekend’s walks.”
The events have been organised to take advantage of Southport’s reputation as one of Europe’s premier birdwatching locations and since they started at the beginning of the year many people have been encouraged to take up the hobby.
Binoculars are available but anyone attending is advised to bring their own if possible. People joining the Saturday walk should meet at the RSPB car park at the junction of Marshside Road and Marine Drive, next to the sand works. On Sunday the meeting place is Crossens Way off Marine Drive near to the Plough pub and the Railex factory. Places have to be booked and both walks start at 10am and finish at 1.30pm.
For further information and to book a place telephone 01704 570173.