The Orange Lodge Parade in
Liverpool City Centre
ON Sunday, 9 July 2017, the Orange
Lodge held a small parade in Liverpool City Centre ahead of the larger parade in
Southport of the 12 July 2017. These are a few photos of that Parade.
Please let us know your views on this parade via emailing us to:-
News24@SouthportReporter.Com. Why not also 'Tweet'
and let the world on your thoughts about this news item!
'Hope and Glory'
Liverpool's biggest, newest music festival update

WITH only weeks to go until Liverpool's
newest festival 'Hope and Glory' takes over Liverpool's City
Centre, more details on the exciting and extravagant entertainment happening
over the weekend have been announced.
As well as enjoying music from the festival's incredible line up of top name
acts; including headliners:- 'James' and 'Hacienda
Classical' the 3rd stage 'In The Lady Garden' has a whole
host of fun to offer.
On Saturday, 5 August 2017, the Liverpool International Air Guitar Competition
will be taking place throughout the day, with entrants battling it out to show
their best moves to the crowd. Entries for the Air Guitar Competition should be
made to:-
Hello@TinyCOW.Co.UK with their name, age and top 3 songs to rock
out to.
The stage also plays host to an array of special solo acoustic performers and
respected journalist and author Simon Price who will be 'In Conversation
With' some of the weekend's stars including:- Charlotte Church and Lucy
Spraggan. Liverpool's top fashion and lifestyle blogger Stephi La Reine will
also share her style expertise in the Fashionista Hour.
On Sunday there will be exclusive acoustic performances from ex-Augustines
frontman William McCarthy, who makes his return to Liverpool after his former
band played their final show there in 2016. Kent singer Nic Bennett, The Voice
UK 2016 contestant Cody Frost and more will also feature. Closing the stage will
be the grand 'Duelling Pianos,' a thrilling contest between virtuoso ivory
ticklers in a life or death struggle to showcase their skills!
One lucky ticket buyer will also be walking away with ₤1,000 and 2 tickets to
next year's Hope and Glory in the festival's Victoriana fancy dress competition;
so expect:- handle bar moustaches, bearded ladies and bloomers galore!
Across the whole site there will even more weird and wonderful pop up comedians
and entertainment including:- the Football Legends charity darts match, celebrity
charity arm wrestling, The Victorian Acrobatic Team, Harminder the Elephant and
Dinosaur Baby in the Pram, the highly entertaining sights of inflatable
crustaceans' in the 'Dance Of the Lobsters; Lobsterlicious', as
well as a:- Foam Party, Prince Albert's Little Secret (Cocktail bar), Mothers Ruin
(Gin bar), Mr Edison's Electric Emporium, Dr Johnson's Clandestine Gathering,
The Hoop and Stick and Darwin's Little Darlings.
Tickets available from:-
See next week for further details...
92 Scrambler Bikes recovered
aster search warrants executed in Bootle
MERSEYSIDE Police's Matrix officers
have executed a total of 25 warrants and recovered 92 bikes after search
warrants were executed in Bootle. Matrix Officers are reported to have found
them at a container site, off Derby Road, Bootle, as a result of community and
Police led intelligence. The bikes include:- scrambler bikes, quad bikes, mini
scrambler bikes and high-powered superbikes. Tests have so far established that
8 of the bikes are stolen. Examinations are ongoing on the remainder of the
bikes. The stolen bikes recovered so far include:-
► A BMW touring bike, stolen from Liverpool earlier
this year, prior to its owner boarding a ferry to the TT races on the Isle of
► A large quad bike, stolen in a burglary within Bootle, in May 2016.
► A KTM 350 scrambler bike, stolen during a robbery in St Helens, in 2016.
► A Kawasaki Quad bike stolen during a burglary at Rainford Recreation
Club, March 2016.
► A Yahama stolen from Nottingham area in 2011.
► A Suzuki quad bike stolen from Warrington in April 2017.
► A Kawasaki ZR 800 stolen from Birmingham area in May 2017.
► A Kawasaki scrambler bike stolen from the Derbyshire area, in December
A machete and masks were also recovered together with helmets, goggles, gloves
and footwear.
Detective Inspector Steve Reardon said:- "We will continue to take
pro-active action against those involved in the criminal use of scrambler bikes
on our roads and will do everything possible to locate and seize suspected
stolen or nuisance bikes and arrest those who are putting the safety of others
at risk. I would like to take this opportunity to reassure communities across
Merseyside that we understand their concerns about scrambler bikes and are
relentless in our efforts to tackle them. Such behaviour cannot and will not be
tolerated on the streets of Merseyside and our response reflects how seriously
we take this issue. I would urge anyone with information which could help us
take these bikes out of circulation and make our streets safer to keep coming
Anyone with information on who is using these bikes and where they are being
stored is urged to call:- 0151 777 3047 or Crimestoppers anonymously on:- 0800
555 111.
Liverpool makes UK's top
working spaces

CO-WORKING spaces, defined as
membership based workspaces were diverse groups of freelancers, remote workers
and other independent professionals work together in a shared, communal setting,
are opening up all over the country and transforming the small business office
As well as trendy open plan environments, with hot desks and access to meeting
spaces, many feature free extras like endless tea and coffee, superfast Wi-Fi
and a range of inspiring ways to co-operate and interact with fellow coworkers.
The unique set up means that as well as planned community events, unlike
traditional office spaces there is an atmosphere that's relaxed yet
professional, collaborative and creative, with community at its core.
Not only does sharing a working space with fellow entrepreneurs, freelancers,
self employed give more control over their working lives, it also provides cost
effective, social workspace that can massively help those starting up in
business and those wishing to expand without renting office space.
According to Small Business Labs, the number of people renting these types of
spaces will grow globally from just under 1m in 2016 to nearly 4m in 2020. In
fact, brands such as Starbucks are encouraging its space to co-working, with the
ultimate goal to become, what they have coined as the 3rd Space, ie Home, Work
and Starbucks.
Mike Davis, Head of SME at AXA PPP healthcare says:- "A flexible modern
working environment where employees can flourish is key to building and
maintaining a high performing workforce and, at the same time, it safeguards
your business from the costly risk of losing valuable people."
In this handy infographic (attached), experts from AXA PPP healthcare show a
selection of the coolest working spaces from around the country. For more from
AXA PPP healthcare visit their Business Health Centre.
Show your love for your park
this '#LoveParks Week'
JOIN in with the 100 million visits to
UK parks this '#LoveParks Week,' running until 23 July 2017 and
tell the world why you love your park. 'Love Parks Week,'
now in its 11th year, is Britain's biggest celebration of these valuable spaces.
Wirral Council is joining the celebration, and encouraging everyone to share why
they love Wirral's parks.
This #LoveParks Week, we are encouraging as many people as possible to go out
and enjoy their local park. Members of our many "Friends Groups"
will be out and about so feel free to come and say hello, grab the "I love
my park because …" board and snap away or take a selfie and let's all
get sharing those fantastic photos of why we love our parks and don't forget to
use the hashtag #LoveParks.
Using this tide of public support, with people sharing how much parks matter to
them and why, environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy will campaign to secure
the quality of parks for future generations to enjoy.
Paul Todd, Keep Britain Tidy's Green Flag Award manager said:- "We believe
that everybody, wherever they live, should have access to a quality green space.
We are asking everyone to join us in showing how much they care and helping us
to protect parks for future generations."
Cllr Phillip Brightmore, Wirral Council's Cabinet member for Environment said:-
"Wirral is home to some of the UK's best parks and green spaces. This
makes Wirral such a great place to live. They are a credit to our staff,
volunteers and Community Groups that help to maintain our local area to such a
high standard. During Love Parks week take the opportunity to visit your local
park and see for yourself the great green spaces we have right on our doorstep."
To find out more about the Keep Britain Tidy programmes and campaigns visit:-