Liverpool makes UK's top
working spaces

CO-WORKING spaces, defined as
membership based workspaces were diverse groups of freelancers, remote workers
and other independent professionals work together in a shared, communal setting,
are opening up all over the country and transforming the small business office
As well as trendy open plan environments, with hot desks and access to meeting
spaces, many feature free extras like endless tea and coffee, superfast Wi-Fi
and a range of inspiring ways to co-operate and interact with fellow coworkers.
The unique set up means that as well as planned community events, unlike
traditional office spaces there is an atmosphere that's relaxed yet
professional, collaborative and creative, with community at its core.
Not only does sharing a working space with fellow entrepreneurs, freelancers,
self employed give more control over their working lives, it also provides cost
effective, social workspace that can massively help those starting up in
business and those wishing to expand without renting office space.
According to Small Business Labs, the number of people renting these types of
spaces will grow globally from just under 1m in 2016 to nearly 4m in 2020. In
fact, brands such as Starbucks are encouraging its space to co-working, with the
ultimate goal to become, what they have coined as the 3rd Space, ie Home, Work
and Starbucks.
Mike Davis, Head of SME at AXA PPP healthcare says:- "A flexible modern
working environment where employees can flourish is key to building and
maintaining a high performing workforce and, at the same time, it safeguards
your business from the costly risk of losing valuable people."
In this handy infographic (attached), experts from AXA PPP healthcare show a
selection of the coolest working spaces from around the country. For more from
AXA PPP healthcare visit their Business Health Centre.