Liverpool International
Music Festival (LIMF) 2017
by Jo

THE Liverpool International Music Festival (LIMF)
took place over 20 July and 23 July 2017. The attendance was considerably down
on previous years, as too was the advertisement of the event. This free music
festival is a very much reduced version of the former Matthews Street Festival,
that it replaced a few years back. Despite this the show proved to be very
enjoyable for all who attended. The festival was again held within Sefton Park,
Liverpool. This event celebrates musical talent, heritage and cultural
diversity, with bands from all over the world taking part on 4 stages. 1 of the
stages was also placed within a Grade 1 listed building, known as the Palm

Please click on
here to see our photographic
coverage of this event.

We are told that this event was also affected by
the disruption coursed by the Rail strikes, that took place on the Sunday and we
would like to know if it did affect you or not. If you attended or took
part, please email your thoughts, both good and bad, about this event to our
newsroom via emailing:-
News24@SouthportReporter.Com. The next LIMF
will be held again in Sefton Park, over 20 July to 22 July 2018 and for more
information visit:-
Please click on
here to see our photographic
coverage of this event.