Prosecco Cricket - Women's Soft Ball Cricket Festival comes to Churchtown
Cricket Club

LADIES fancy giving cricket a go this summer? Churchtown Cricket Club has
been selected to host one of the England and Wales Cricket Board Soft Ball
Cricket Festivals, branded in Lancashire as Prosecco Cricket, which has been
created to get more women involved in the game of cricket. No pain, all gain!
Soft Ball Cricket is a new, fun, fast, social game for all abilities featuring
a, you guessed it, soft ball.

Greg Pennington from Churchtown Cricket Club is delighted his club has been
selected to host a prestigious festival to be held, on Sunday, 13 August 2017,
starting at 1pm as part of the club's Annual President's Day. He said:-
"We are delighted to be working with the Lancashire Cricket Board on this
festival. We have trialled women's cricket at the club and there was a great
response. With the success of England Women at the Women's World Cup, now is the
perfect time for us to offer the opportunity to play cricket to more women in
Southport. It's going to a fantastic day and we are hoping to build on the
festival for 2018 and beyond."
The Soft Ball festival is aimed at encouraging new women in to cricket and their
friends to come along to have a great 1st experience of the game. The fun and
friendly games will be 6 a side, using a soft ball, under arm bowling and the
rules are designed to make the games fun, fast and easy to pick up!

There will also be a free glass of prosecco on arrival served in a branded
glass, plenty of off field entertainment, plus a free t-shirt for all who take
part. There is no dress code and all equipment is provided. Julie Durrant,
LCB's Women's Soft Ball Festival Coordinator added:- "We are delighted to
be working with Churchtown Cricket Club to host 1 of our events. This event
has been planned to ensure women feel supported, relaxed, not judged and learn
new skills in an inclusive atmosphere. So why not come along and join in the
The event is for teams of 6 players so get your team together and sign up today.
The event is completely free to take part. For further information about
the event please contact Julie Durrant on:- 07507 057692 or via
More about Women's Soft Ball Cricket Festivals available on the LCB
or book directly
Discover how your Council has performed in
Ombudsman's complaint statistics
PEOPLE in the North West can examine the complaints made
to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman about their local authorities
in the past year.
The Ombudsman investigates complaints about all local authorities and social
care providers in England. Every year it publishes the information it sends to
Councils to help with transparency and improve local services for residents.
This annual summary is the number of complaints and enquiries it has received
about the Council, and the decisions made about those complaints.
In the
North West Region:-
► The North West
Region received 1,919 complaints about Councils in the North West last year.
► The North West Region upheld 53%, which follows the national trend.
► The highest uphold rate in the North West was in the area of Children's Services
and Education at 65%. ► The lowest uphold rate was in Planning at 33%.
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman, Michael King, said:-
annual data release is a great opportunity for the public, Councillors and
Council Officers to gauge how their local authority responds to, and learns
from, the complaints we receive about them.
The best Councils use our data to scrutinise the services they provide. I urge
all Councils to do that to make their services better in future.
I want to encourage an open and mature attitude to complaints - 1 where they
are valued within organisations as 'free feedback' and learning opportunities.
Indeed, how an organisation deals with complaints says a lot about its culture.
The data we have issued, and wealth of information we publish on our website,
are a valuable source of information about complaints handling and Council
performance. I would urge people to take a look to see how they can use it to
improve or scrutinise their authority's performance."
While issuing the figures this week, the Ombudsman is keen to point out that a
high number of complaints does not necessarily mean a Council is performing
poorly. It may indicate an authority that welcomes and encourages feedback,
through a transparent system which signposts people appropriately when its own
processes have been exhausted.
This year (2016 to 2017) the Ombudsman received over 16,500 complaints and enquiries
about Council's. The greatest proportion were about Education and Children's
Services, followed by Adult Social Care, and Planning
It's not just about numbers though. What matters is the outcome of the
complaints investigated in detail and over the year, across England, the
Ombudsman upheld 54%. This is up from 51% in 2015 to 2016, and 46% the previous year.
The region with the highest proportion of complaints upheld was London (60%),
and the lowest was the East Midlands (44%).
Overall, the Ombudsman was most likely to find fault in Adult Social Care cases
(64% upheld), and least likely to find fault in complaints about Planning and
Development (35% upheld).
One of the Ombudsman's main roles is to remedy injustice, and try to put people
back in the position they would have been in, had the fault not occurred. This
year, the Ombudsman made 3,562 recommendations to put things right. This
included apologies, financial remedies (for example paying for care which should
have been provided) and procedural changes to help improve services for others.
New help for small businesses launched
A new Online Tax Forum and dedicated webchat service, for
small businesses and the self employed has been launched by HM Revenue
and Customs (HMRC).
The 'Small Business Online Forum' is a quick and easy way for small businesses to
get answers to their Tax questions as well as help with:-
► Starting a business.
► Support for growing a business, that includes taking on employees and expanding.
► Buying and selling abroad.
► Completing Tax Returns.
► Tax Credits.
There are 521,000 small businesses in the North West region. The forum can be
online. Linked to
the forum, HMRC's new dedicated webchat service offers direct support to
businesses and the self employed.
Mel Stride, Financial Secretary to the Treasury and Paymaster General, said:-
"The UK's 5.4 million small businesses play a vital role in our economy. We
want to help businesses get off the ground and support them as they grow.
That is why we are launching a new forum and webchat service which will give
these companies useful hints and tips; including how to complete Tax Returns,
grow a business and trade outside the UK; so that they can continue to