Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht
Race fleet arrives in Liverpool ahead of 40,000 nautical mile challenge
Photographs by Patrick Trollope.

MONDAY, 14 August 2017, the Clipper
2017-18 Race fleet, including the Liverpool 2018 team,
will arrive to Albert Dock, Liverpool, ahead of its
20 August 2017 Race Start.
This arrival marks the 4th time the race has started and finished in Liverpool,
making it the events most frequented Start and Finish destination. The last time
the City hosted the event was 10 years ago, in 2007-08.
1 of the world's most challenging endurance events, the 40,000 nautical mile
Race, which is expected to take 11 months
to complete,
is the only on the planet which trains everyday people to take on 1 of Mother
Nature's toughest tests. 40% of crew have had no previous sailing experience before
signing up.
Between 14 August and 20 August 2017, there will be a host of events and festivities open to
the public as well as globally as the Clipper Race partners' business events and yacht
naming ceremonies. The event starts in Monday, 14 August 2017, when the Fleet arrival, on River Mersey,
at around 3pm. they will then sail up the river performing a 'Parade
of Sail' at around 4:15pm. All 12 yachts will then be berthed along the River side of the Colonnades (in front
of the Tate) The fleet will then move into the Albert Dock, between 5pm and 6pm.

See our Facebook
Page for some archived footage we took
of the 2008 race... Click
here to see the map of the start event
locations within the Albert Dock Area.