New super sized refuse fleet
hits City streets

THE 1st wave of Liverpool's 1st
fully owned fleet of refuse vehicles has arrived to boost the City's bid to meet
new refuse and recycling targets. Liverpool City Council approved a ₤3.4m loan for Liverpool Streetscene Services
Ltd (LSSL) to acquire twenty refuse vehicles and ten new vehicle bin lifts to
improve the collection and recycling of household waste across the City. The 1st 10 vehicles of the brand new fuel efficient fleet have now arrived
with the 2nd tranche to begin operations in October 2017.
The new vehicles will each be able to collect more than three tonnes of waste
and are fitted with rear wheel drive and a faster and safer operating
mechanisms, which will free up more than 2 hours a day for collections.
The new bin lifts will also make for a more efficient service allowing each
vehicle to do 1,200 lifts a day compared to the current average of 925; that's a 20%
Providing a more effective refuse and recycling service the new fleet will help
the City's efforts to reach its target of recycling more than 55% of waste by
The capital loan; which does not affect the Council's annual budget; will be
repaid over the next 10 years by LSSL, which was established in 2016 when the
City Council brought cleansing and refuse operations back under its control.
The request for the loan followed a LSSL review of the current fleet, which is
hired and subject to high maintenance costs.

Councillor Steve Munby, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods who is also a Director
of LSSL, said:- "This investment in a new fleet of refuse vehicles is a
great statement of intent in our goal to make Liverpool a cleaner and greener
The Council inherited a tired and run down fleet which was inefficient,
unreliable and costly. Having a brand new refuse fleet that is bigger, faster
and safer will give the collection teams the right tools to ensure residents
receive a more reliable service.
However, we still need residents to take action by reducing, reusing and
recycling their waste enable us to hit our targets and reduce the costs to
The purchase of the eco friendly refuse fleet follows the recent announcement
that Liverpool is on course to meet its climate change targets; 3 years ahead
of schedule.
According to recent Government statistics, the City has already achieved a
staggering 18% reduction in carbon emissions since 2012 and is on course to hit
35% by 2020.
The City Council has now approved a report to press ahead with a series of
initiatives to continue the drive to a:- "Low Carbon Liverpool," by setting
an increased carbon reduction target by 2030.
Enjoy bank holiday music festivals for
free by becoming an Oxfam volunteer
FANCY going to some of the UK's top
festivals, but put off by the price of a ticket? Then apply to be an Oxfam
festival volunteer and get in for free.
Oxfam is recruiting volunteers for Leeds, Reading and Shambala Festivals on
August 2017 Bank Holiday Weekend, where world class music acts and jaw dropping
entertainment promise to wow crowds.
In working three shifts over five days, Oxfam volunteers can catch live
performances from the likes of Eminem and Korn, the world's best beat boxers and
circus acts, or get involved in crafts and yoga workshops. What's more,
volunteers camp in a secure designated workers field with clean showers and a
24 hour catering service. Apply
Oxfam is paid by festivals for volunteers' time, raising essential money for the
charity to carry out its work fighting poverty and suffering around the world.
Volunteers work as stewards or campaigners, or help staff an on site Oxfam shop.
George Upcott, Oxfam's Head of Festivals, said:- "Being a volunteer at
festivals is a music lover's dream. You do 3 shifts at each event, and off duty
you're free to enjoy yourself like any other festival goer. Oxfam volunteers
also get special perks. They camp in a secure field with:- showers, loos, phone
charging, a chill out marquee, free tea and coffee and meals. We give everyone
training including professional skills, like customer relations, which employers
value in the real world. Best of all, everyone receives a warm welcome and meets
a great bunch of like minded individuals. Volunteering at a festival either as a
campaigner, steward or in an on site Oxfam shop is the perfect way to have a
great time and help Oxfam fight poverty around the world."
Volunteer steward Tamsin Harding, 26, 1st volunteered at Camp Bestival a few
years ago. She went by herself, but said:- "I instantly made friends
before I'd even set up my tent, and it's remained that way ever since. The
experience made me realise that I'm good at engaging with crowds and lifting the
mood of tired festival goers. It highlighted my administration and
organisational skills, which I now use in my job working for a yearly arts
fringe event."
An Oxfam festival volunteer steward is there to keep people safe and provide
information and advice to festival goers. Typical jobs include welcoming
visitors, checking tickets and wristbands, managing access to stages, and
monitoring crowd levels. Our stewards become the face of the festival and look
after all areas, including arenas, gates and campsites.
Other festival volunteers staff on-site Oxfam shops or talk about current Oxfam
campaigns like Stand as One with refugees, helping draw attention to urgent
Oxfam festival volunteers are asked to pay a deposit for a ticket, which is
fully reimbursed within a month. Volunteers also have the opportunity to
transfer their deposit to work at Bestival in Dorset if they would like to
volunteer again.
All applicants must be aged 18 or over at the festival. Apply
Homeowners in the North West
reveal their ideal Forever Home
A detailed study also found that we
hanker after a property with a driveway, a play room; and somewhere to hang the
washing. Other must haves include a large kitchen and breakfast room, an ample
lounge, utility room and dining room. A double garage and conservatory are also
essential, as is a study and cloakroom. Ideally, we want to live in a location
just 12.5 miles from the office. Good transport links and a pub within a mile
and a ½ are also vital elements. While an ambitious 1 in 3 even went as far
as to suggest their 'forever home' would include a swimming pool and sauna.
2 bathrooms, 2 en-suites and 2 reception rooms are also key components.
The detail emerged from a study of 2,000 homeowners carried out by Origin, the
leading British manufacturer of bespoke aluminium bi-folding doors, residential
doors and windows. Ben Brocklesby, Director at Origin, said:- "We wanted
to find out more about the concept of the forever home and whether it still
existed. Years ago it was not unusual for people to live in the same house for
their entire lives, but we've certainly seen a shift in this trend as we now
live in an average of seven homes throughout our lifetimes. Interestingly, more
than ¾ of people in the region still believe in the concept of a forever home,
which shows that the clear majority of homeowners are constantly climbing the
property ladder, striving to find a home to live in for the rest of their lives.
We carried out the research to find out exactly what people want from their
forever homes, and if any of the features on their wish list could be added to
their existing properties. Among the most sought after elements were a power
shower, big windows, a bath and bi-fold or sliding doors; all of which can be
incorporated into any home, without the need to move."
On a national scale, over ½ of people chose the sea as the perfect view from
their windows, followed by a countryside view of either rolling hills or a field
of cows.
Britain's least chosen view from the home was, perhaps unsurprisingly,
a football stadium.
Plenty of natural light was also a must have for homeowners,
with 99% of people saying it was important.
Over ½ said they wanted big
windows, while bi-folding or sliding doors that lead out to the garden were also
high on the list of features.
It also emerged that we dream of spending our years in a street where we are
surrounded by friendly neighbours, 4 of whom we are on 1st name terms with. A
1,000sq ft garden is the ideal size, according to most Brits.
With regard to amenities, our forever home would have everything we needed
within a 3 mile radius. The Post Office, corner shop, newsagents and
off licence are considered the most important to have close by. While a ⅛ of
people are actively putting savings aside for their forever home, a ⅛
already reside in theirs.
The age at which we believe we'll own our forever home emerged as 53, and 4 out
of 10 were convinced they would, at some point, purchase their dream pad. 84% of
UK adults are happy with their current home and 80% think it's likely they will
try to improve or renovate the house they own now.
Ben Brocklesby continued:- "With such a high proportion of homeowners
planning to improve or renovate their current house, we have some great
practical advice on our website from our experts, looking at everything from how
to make the most of a conservatory to styling your front of house; getting
homeowners one step closer to creating their forever home."
► Is worth ₤458,000.
► Is 10.5 miles from work and has transport links.
► Has four friendly neighbours - who we are on 1st name terms with.
Has the following rooms:-
► Playroom x1
► Reception rooms x 2
► En-suites x 2
► Bathrooms x 2
► Bedrooms x 4
And has the following features:-
► Front and back gardens.
► Driveway.
► Off street parking.
► Patio.
► Double garage.
► Flowerbeds.
► Summer house.
► Somewhere to hang the washing out.
► Gates at the front.
► Veg patch.
► Open fields.
► Garden 1000sqft.
► View of sea view, rolling hills or field of cows.
Is this far away from local amenities:-
► Post Office - 1 mile away.
► Doctors - 1 mile away.
► Dentist - 2 miles away.
► Corner Shop - 1 mile away.
► Supermarket - 2 miles away.
► Leisure Centre - 3 miles away.
► Newsagent Off Licence - 1 mile away.
► Petrol Station - 2 miles away.
► Park - 2 miles away.
► Playground - 2 miles away.
► Farm Shop - 2 miles away.
► Pub – 1.5 miles away.
► School - 2 miles away.
► Clothes Shop - 3 miles away.
► Library – 2.5 miles away.
► Cinema - 3 miles away.
► Restaurant - 2 miles away.
► Chemist 1.5.
► Vet – 2.5 miles away.
And these are the most desired views:-
► Sea view - 54%.
► Garden - 38%.
► Mountains - 44%.
► Field of cows - 21%.