6th sense
inspires Wirral author's bestselling book and sequel
FROM dancing grey figures to falling coins and screaming
children, Liverpool writer and blogger Estelle Maher knew from a young age she
had something akin to a 6th sense. It started with a dream, or so she thought,
when she was just 5 years old. A dream she still vividly recalls 40 years on.
"I remember it as clear as day. I woke up screaming and I could see the
form of a person. It was all grey, but was bleeding into various colours. It
started to dance and that's when I screamed. My parents came in and told me it
was just a dream. I believed that for a while, but looking back I think that was
my 1st paranormal experience." explains the Amazon bestselling author.
By the time she reached her teenage years, Estelle began experiencing other
strange happenings which made her question whether what she'd seen that night
had indeed been just a dream. "In the 80's we moved to Wareham in Dorset
and lived in a fairly new house. My niece and nephew also lived there for a bit
and after a while all sorts of strange things happened. Doors started slamming
and there were sounds of children screaming and playing. Mum and dad eventually
moved back to Liverpool and I stayed in the house with my sister where strange
things continued to happen. When I left, my sister said it all stopped. Every
house I've lived in since then has been haunted and I think it's connected to me
in some way. I think for whatever reason my presence triggers something. I'm not
quite sure how, but if there is anything spiritual connected to a house I seem
to disturb or unsettle things. I don't for 1 minute think that I'm some kind of
psychic or medium; I just think I act a bit like an aerial and pick up on things
that other's don't. I don't think death is black and white and I don't
necessarily believe in ghosts or spirits but I do question what happens to all
the energy a person carries when they die. It cannot just disappear; it has to
go somewhere."
Recalling her strangest paranormal experience 45 year old Estelle explains:-
"The 1st night I moved in with my husband, Pete, things started happening. We
were upstairs in the bathroom. The 2 of us were just standing there and all of a
sudden something fell between us. We were both really taken by surprise. When we
picked the object up it turned out to be an Irish penny. Thankfully the
experience didn't frighten Pete away and we are still together all these years
later. But, to this day we still have no idea where the penny came from. We
still have it and keep it in a pot in the cupboard. It's kind of become our good
luck charm."
Estelle, who now lives on the Wirral with Peter and their 2 children, Chloѐ
(18) and son Zack (12), has never before spoken publicly about her paranormal
experiences. But, she has opened up after publishing her top selling debut
novel:- 'Grace and the Ghost' a book about life, fate and divine
intervention. Combining romance and humour Grace and the Ghost follows the
journey of a young woman who becomes haunted by a man named Crowley and finds
her long held beliefs about Heaven and Earth being challenged. Released on
Amazon earlier this year, the book has already climbed its way up the charts to
become an Amazon Bestseller.
Estelle, who is supported in her writing by publishing organisation Team Author
UK and is currently penning the sequel Angel's Rebellion, says:- "I guess
1 of the 1st things people want to know when you've become a published author is
where the inspiration for your work comes from. I've been writing on and off
since I was a teenager, scribbling on wallpaper covered exercise books, but
until Grace and the Ghost I didn't feel anything I'd previously written had the
legs to become a successful published book. Grace, the main character, is not
based on me as such, but I guess some of the challenges she faces and the
questions the book raises about life and death do ultimately reflect some of the
weird and wonderful paranormal experiences I've encountered throughout my life.
It's not a ghost story but it does make you think about whether life is dictated
by us, fate or divine intervention."
Estelle, who is also the author of popular lifestyle blog recalls an
overwhelming urge to write Grace and the Ghost. "I was on my way home from
work one night and Crowley the ghost popped into my head and he wouldn't go
away. It was like he was nagging me to write his story and I'm so glad I did as
it's really kick started my lifelong dream of becoming a published author."
For more information on
Estelle's work and to keep up to date with
her latest novel Angel's Rebellion, which us due to be released in 2018.