Citizens across the North invited to
get moving and help heart research in UK digital health 1st
NOKIA and the Connected Health Cities (CHC)
programme have launched CityMoves, an 8 week step challenge taking place from 23
October to 21 December 2017.
The challenge promotes healthy living and the positive use of data and
technology in health and research. It is an opportunity for citizens across the
North of England to help advance science's understanding of how low intensity
exercise improves heart health.
Participants will be able to track their steps through the Nokia Health Mate app
that also allows users to measure their pulse rate using their smartphone
The project will be delivered across Connected Health Cities 4 City regions
including:- Greater Manchester, Yorkshire, Liverpool and the North West Coast and
Newcastle and the North East. Each region will be able to see how the amount of
steps they have taken over the period compares to the others.'
As well as daily updates on the dedicated website, each week users will get
personalised feedback with information about their progress and how they compare
to others from across the North.
Throughout the 8 weeks of the challenge CHC and Nokia will keep people motivated
with motivational content, seasonal tips to get moving more, hundreds of fitness
tracker give aways and awareness messages on how to keep your heart healthy.
After the 8 week period de-personalised data will be sent to The University of
Manchester's Connected Health Cities programme where data scientists will look
for changes in heart rate across the study period.
Prof John Ainsworth, Director of Connected Health Cities said:- "More
effective use of data and technology has great potential to deliver health
benefits for all of us. The CityMoves study is a great example for people to see
the positive impact that their data can have.
In CityMoves study we aim to develop a better understanding of the relationship
between increased physical exercise and resting heart rate, a key indicator of
To join the programme participants can register at, choose
their team and begin measuring their steps and watch as they rise up their
team's leader board.