Merseyside Police welcomes
return of restored Police cars

MERSEYSIDE Police have welcomed the
return of 2 former Police cars to their previous home at Smithdown Lane station.
The vintage Ford Escort RS2000's which were owned by Merseyside Police in the
1980's have been restored by ex-Police Officers. They returned to the Police
Station, on Thursday, 16 November and were welcomed by members of the force
including the Chief Constable, Andy Cooke and the Police Commissioner, Jane

Chief Inspector Tony Jones from the Matrix
Roads Policing department said:- "It was wonderful to see the Escorts
yesterday and I'm sure it was a real blast from the past for some members of the
Force. The return of the cars was a great opportunity for some Merseyside Police
nostalgia, especially for the for Roads Policing department who thoroughly
enjoyed comparing the cars with the vehicles they use today and there's
definitely plenty to compare. The gentlemen have done a great job of restoring

1 of the cars belonged to ex-Humberside Police
Officer Graham Carter, who bought it at auction, back in early 2015, for just
£14,000. He has since spent the past 2 years and around £2,500 restoring the car
to its former glory. Graham said:- "This isn't the 1st restoration I
have completed and I regularly attend car shows to exhibit my collection, it's a
great hobby. I've always been into old Mark I and II Escorts so this 1 was a
great opportunity. It's great to get to come and show it at its former home and
the Force have been very hospitable and helpful."

The 2nd car was restored by ex-Greater
Manchester Police Traffic Officer, Sean White, who is now a pilot with Etihad
Airways. He is also a vintage car enthusiast and has previously restored a Ford
Capri. The Escorts were parked next to the Police car of today, a BMW,
which gave a great opportunity to see the advancements in technology over the
years. 1 of the Escorts even displayed its old Tax Disc, dated 31 December 1981.

Merseyside's Police Commissioner Jane Kennedy
said:- "I love the passion and enthusiasm some people have for cars and
it's wonderful to see these former patrol cars back on their old beat. These
cars are a credit to the retired officers who have lovingly restored them to
peak condition. Seeing them here at their old home on Smithdown Lane, alongside
the top of the range models that are used today, is a reminder of how much
policing has changed in the last 40 or so years and the strides forward that
have been made in Policing our roads and keeping our communities safe."

* Please note that you
should not drive with out of date Tax Disc still on display, despite them no
longer being issued.