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Weekly Edition - Publication date:- 2017-25-11

-en Southport & Mersey Reporter

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Letters to the Editor:- "Parking in Southport"

"MY name is J Moreton. I parked on Southport Baths, paid for a parking ticket; I put it on the dash upside down, so the information was on it. I retained the stub receipt and had it validated in the Baths. When I got back to the car, there is a parking ticket on my car! It said I had failed to comply with the regulations, showing a valid parking ticket for the duration of your stay. I have since appealed this twice. I sent in the ticket, I sent proof I paid in the Baths. Southport Council said well it doesn't matter, we know you have a ticket, you have paid for it, but we are still issuing you with a ₤50 fine. I just can't understand the logic in this. I can't understand that the council can say, we know you paid for a parking ticket, just because you made a mistake and placed it upside down, we are still fining you ₤50."

Editor's note:- "This week we were contacted by chap who was visiting Southport with his family and received a parking ticket, despite buying a ticket. This has been 1 of many lately who have contacted us in relation to parking issues in the Southport and Formby areas, so we have decided to look into this issue."

The Ainsdale Ward Councillor, Lynne Thompson, was also contacted by Mr J Moreton in connection to this issue and has since emailed us. She told our newsroom that:- "I understand Mr J Moreton (a Wigan resident) has contacted you regarding a parking charge he incurred in August this year during a visit to Southport. Mr Moreton tells me he did purchase a valid ticket, but unfortunately left the ticket facing down, inappropriately displayed. I did explain to Mr Moreton a few years ago the Council had a policy of leniency with 1st and even 2nd offenders of' flipped tickets. The number of visitors to Southport who send angry letters saying they will not return appears to suggest this was indeed the right policy. Sadly, the Council have confirmed they have no plans to reinstate leniency for first time offenders. The offence of not displaying a ticket appropriately continues to prove very expensive. Sefton tell me they will continue to consider each case on its own merits and will cancel those it deems appropriate. I have raised this issue many times with Traffic Services."

If you have any comments on this, please do email our newsroom via:- and let us know your views and thoughts.


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