Life Changing Opportunity
for Young People

MERSEYSIDE Fire and Rescue Service are
inviting 16 to 25 year olds, from across Merseyside, to apply for a free personal
development programme. MFRS has been delivering the Prince's Trust Team
Programme, which offers young people the chance to develop their teamwork and
employability skills, for nearly 16 years.
Aimed at those not in education or employment, the 12 week programme develops
skills to increase employment opportunities, as well as boosting confidence,
teamwork and communication skills.
As well as completing a community project, participants take part in an
outward bound residential stay and undertake a 2 week work placement. They get
professional input on improving their CV and interview skills from MFRS'
corporate partners.
Deputy Chief Fire Officer for MFRS, Phil Garrigan, said:- "The Prince's
Trust Team Programme helps young people gain the skills and confidence to find
We at MFRS are delighted to work in partnership with the Prince's Trust to
deliver this highly successful programme which transforms lives. Students can try the programme for the
1st week before
committing, but with 1 of the highest retention rates in England, it's clear
that our students really enjoy the programme and we've had some great
Naomi, 24, started the programme in September
as part of her long term goal to become a firefighter. After a work placement
with Bouygues Energies and Services, who maintain MFRS premises and stations,
Naomi secured a full time position with them.
Paula Loughlin, contracts administrator, said:- "Naomi was always
punctual, smartly dressed and eager to learn. Based on this we have the great
pleasure in offering Naomi a position with Bouygues Energies and Services as an
administration assistant."
Jay, 17, started the programme in May and wanted to improve his confidence and
self esteem, having suffered with depression during his 1st year of A Levels.
After completing the programme, he enrolled at All Saints Catholic High School
and is now thriving on his drama course and looking to apply to University in
the New Year.
Jay said:- "I really do think I've matured over the past three months and
I'm in such a better place to study than I was when I started college in
September last year."
The next courses start in January 2018 and the MFRS are currently accepting referrals
into all locations.
MFRS delivers the programme from 6 fire stations across Merseyside:- Bromborough,
Birkenhead, Bootle and Netherton, Huyton, Kirkby and Toxteth.
Students who live more than 1 mile away from the station will be offered free
bus travel, and enrolment does not affect any benefits being received.
Anyone aged 16 to 25 years old who is not in education, employment or training,
can get in touch with Tony Canavan, Youth Coordinator, on:- 0151 296 6464 or 07837
655627, to find out more and secure a place.