Holocaust poetry competition launched

YOUNG people are being invited to write
poems which will be read out at Liverpool's Holocaust Memorial Day service. The
theme for this year's Holocaust Memorial Day is:- 'The Power of Words...' and
explores how language has been used in the past and the present and the impact
that it has on us and those around us.
The competition was launched at the Schools Parliament, at Liverpool Town Hall, on
Tuesday, 28 November 2017, with a poem entitled:- 'Words', written and read by
Lord Mayor, Cllr Malcolm Kennedy.
2 of the entries submitted by Friday, 12 January 2018, will be selected to be read out
at the civic event, on Friday, 26 January 2018, at Liverpool Town Hall.
The Lord Mayor said:- "Holocaust Memorial Day is not only a time to
remember those millions who died in the Holocaust and subsequent genocides, but
is also a call to action for the present. The words we use can be an
immense power for good, but also evil, so it is essential we stamp out their use
to promote hate crime and prejudice. We have many talented, articulate and
eloquent wordsmiths among our young people and I know that we will receive some
powerful and thought-provoking entries."
A selection of the poems entered will be included in an anthology that will be
presented to entrants, Schools and libraries in the City.
Liverpool City Council's lead on Holocaust Memorial Day, Councillor Jeremy Wolfson, a member of the City's Jewish community, said:-
"Attendees at the
recent HMD planning meeting wanted to do something particularly poignant for
2018, which marks the 10th Anniversary of Liverpool hosting the national event
for Holocaust Memorial Day in 2008.
This poetry competition fits well into this year's theme 'The Power of Words.'
It gives our young people an opportunity to reflect on the Holocaust and raise
awareness of not only what happened but to try and ensure that the attitudes
which led to it are not repeated.
I would particularly like to thank the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust's Mandy Penellum, Jeff Dunn, Director of Liverpool Schools'
Parliament and John Gorman from The Scaffold, for their invaluable advice and
support in setting up the poetry competition."
Poems should be submitted to:- Jeff Dunn c/o Liverpool Town Hall, High Street,
Liverpool, L2 3SW or by
The Lord Mayor's poem,
written to launch the competition...
Words can inflame but Words can be sweet;
Words can be pleasant, but others may beat.
Some words can anger curse or mislead;
Emitting from mouths of hard men filled with greed;
Words can be false or words can be true;
Words form sweet prayers or can curse people too;
Words might be smooth drawn from thoughts that would cheat;
Spoken by men with minds full of deceit.
Words can be prayers or false blessings that curse;
Words can make better or words can make worse;
Words can surround you with love or with hate;
Spoken by men that would anger or bait.
Words can give praise yet words can condemn;
Flatter or wound, it depends on the men.
Words can bring healing, some others may wound;
Words can be deep, shallow, kindly or rude;
Words can be wise or the kind that can calm;
Covering hurt with a sweet scented balm.
Place bits on your tongues they can sing, scare with roars;
The choice of your words is entirely yours.