Trust Leads the Way on High
Quality Apprenticeships

SOUTHPORT and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust
has become the 1st organisation in the country to sign up to UNISON's apprenticeship charter. The charter ensures that apprenticeships
deliver a positive outcome for both apprentices and employers. The charter
commits the Trust to provide apprenticeships that are well funded, high quality
and that lead to a meaningful job.
Apprentices will receive the correct rate for the job they are doing, high
quality training, and a safe and healthy working environment.
Karen Jackson, interim chief executive, said:- "The Trust is delighted to
be able to support UNISON's charter. Apprenticeships help us develop our staff,
opening new doors in their development so together we can best meet patient

UNISON assistant general secretary Christina
McAnea; who will be in Southport to sign the charter has said:-
"We are delighted the Trust has decided to sign up our charter, publicly
signalling its commitment to structured learning.
The contribution of apprentices to the workplace is too often overlooked, and
unfortunately many young people find themselves exploited, working long hours
for low wages, with little support.
Yet by properly investing in the workforce of tomorrow, employers can nurture
talent and help fill the skills gap; and give a boost to the local economy at
the same time.
It's very welcome that the Trust views apprenticeships as an investment in its
future workforce, rather than a short term source of cheap labour. With the
number of apprentices set to rise significantly over the next few years, we hope
many other employers will soon follow their lead."

Simon Bunting is currently undertaking an apprenticeship. He is employed by the
Trust and works in the Pharmacy as a Computer services manager. He said:-
"I have really valued the opportunity to develop my career through undertaking
an apprenticeship at the Trust. It is hard work, but I have learned a great deal
which is already helping me to have a better understanding of leadership and
management, enabling me to use this knowledge to become better at my job. It is
great that more people will have a chance to undertake a high quality
apprenticeship in the future."