Late night clubbers in
Liverpool spared Hackney Cabs fare rise

A rise in Hackney fares in Liverpool is
to be introduced; but an additional hike in the cost of journeys in the early
hours of Sunday morning has been dropped.
Of the 2,138 drivers in the City, only 38 (2%) submitted objections opposing
varying aspects of the rise, which was requested by Liverpool Hackney Branch
through UNITE the union. UNITE asked for it on the grounds that it would
encourage more cabs on to the road in the early hours, discourage the urge for
to cherry pick fares and also enable drivers to invest in the new electric
London EV taxi.
The increase being introduced from, Monday 4 December 2017, users of
Hackney Cabs will see a 20p rise in the minimum fare for tariff 1; the so called
day rate will be ₤2.60. This is still lower than the national average of ₤2.76
and, locally, below the fare charged in Wirral.
There will also be an increase in the night rate which applies from 11pm to 6am,
on Easter Sunday and on Bank Holidays, from ₤3.00 to ₤3.25.
The X (extra tariff), which applies to journeys at Christmas and New Year; and
can also be charged for journeys over 4 miles beyond the nearest City Boundary,
if agreed prior to the start of the journey with the passenger; will be charged
at a minimum of ₤3.90, up from ₤3.60.
An initial plan would have seen the X minimum tariff of ₤3.90 used for journeys
taking place between 2am and 6am, on Sunday mornings, has been dropped.
Overall, Liverpool fares for a 2 mile journey remain the cheapest among the big
'Core Cities' and the City is 294th in the national fare league table.
Councillor Frank Hont, Cabinet member for regulatory services, said:-
"Nobody likes price increases, but Liverpool's fares are still lower than other
similar sized Cities and this is only the 2nd rise in 6 years. We have decided
against increasing fares in the early hours of Sunday morning because of
feedback that it would be unfair to clubbers and may discourage drivers from
agreeing to take people beyond the City Boundary. Our licensing team are doing a
lot of positive work with the trade to drive up standards and address issues
such as cherry picking, plying for hire and encouraging drivers to consider more
environmentally friendly vehicles. This rise will help make the hackney trade in
the City more financially viable."