Formby's historic Village
Centre trees to be felled

IN September 2017, Wandsworth Council
was 1 of many who hit the headlines going ahead with authorised removal of
trees, despite petitions to keep historic Trees. Now, residents and businesses
in Formby feel that Sefton Council might be heading the same way, as more iconic
trees within the Village have been earmarked for the chop, in early 2018.
"Some of the trees within the village still have the scars of strafing, during
the 2nd World War, due to German aircraft shooting them. Now we could be losing
them forever and the character these historic trees give our village will also
be lost." said one resident in the village.
Many of the trees within Formby and surrounding areas have Preservation Orders
and/or fall within conservation
areas, meaning they cannot be cut down
unless the pose a danger or are dead. We have been told that these trees also
fall under restrictions, but because of their age, health and structural
condition, Sefton Council will need to cut then down and replace them, as they
now pose a true danger to the public.
"The danger identified is that of the branches falling, on to people using the
pavement, onto the road, or onto the shops next to them. This proposed action
has not been sort lightly, as they are significant features within the Village.
Sadly, the dangers they pose have become too high and this has been highlighted
in recent months, with what has happed due to the bad weather across the UK. We
just can't take the risk of someone being injured or killed. Preservation Orders
do not stop the ageing of trees, but as these are listed trees, we have already
secured the funds to replace them, due to their importance." A
representative of Formby Parish Council told us.
"We hope they replace them with Horse Chestnuts. Also, I hope they can be used
as art work, within the local area after felling. What would also be interesting
is to see if any of the bullets from the 2nd World War are still in them."
A shop owner commented to us.
Please email us to:-
News24@SouthportReporter.Com with your thoughts
on the felling of the trees on Chapel Lane, Formby.