Southport Cruisers Christmas
Charity Bike Ride
THE Southport Cruisers have held their
annual Christmas Charity Bike Ride, from Southport to Formby's Clumber Lodge
Children's Home, to deliver presents and to raise funds for the home. This
year's ride, which was held on 10 December 2017, raised ₤460. The club also does
the same run every Easter, to the Homes, and are already looking for people to
take part with them for the 2018 event. The club is open to anyone with an
interest in motorcycles. The aim of the club, who meet at the Railway Club, on
Sussex Road, is to promote biking via social events and rides around the country
or abroad, mostly for charity. To find out more about the local club, that was
formed in 2005, visit:-
SouthportCruisers.Com or go to the club's
