Letter and photos to the
Editor:- "A magical panto at the Casa Theatre"
Photographs by Alix Watson, supplied by
Julian Bond.

"THEY say a picture is worth a thousand
words so we've got a dozen below to entice you to come and see our magical
panto, Mother Goose, at Theatre At The Casa this week... But if the pictures
don't convince you, oh yes they will, but if not find out for yourself anyway by
coming to the show! Tickets are amazing value, only ₤7/₤5. All booking and show
details can be found below..." Julian Bond, Burjesta Theatre, in
Editors note:- "The show runs until 13 January 2017, when the last
performance will take place at 2pm. For more information we suggest you visit:-
or go to:-
Burjesta-Theatre.Co.UK or pop in to The Casa, located on Hope Street,
Liverpool (L1 9BQ.)"

Specialist perinatal service
appoints new manager!
THE Lancashire Care NHS Foundation
Trust has successfully recruited a Perinatal Service Manager who will lead the
new team at the new, specialist inpatient unit in Chorley. Earlier this year,
NHS England selected the Trust as a preferred provider to run one of the four,
new 8 bed mother and baby units (MBU) in the country. The unit is an inpatient
facility for mothers with serious mental health problems during the perinatal
period. The new MBU means that the Trust can provide the support and treatment
that women need whilst continuing to be with their babies.
Last month, the Trust successfully appointed the Perinatal Service Manager who
will begin post in February. Philip Hayes, Perinatal Service Manager at
Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust said of the appointment:- "I am so
excited about the new facility. It's amazing that our Trust has been given the
mandate to build this specialist unit and I'm proud to be part of the new
project. Thankfully perinatal mental health has finally been given the publicity
and governmental support it has needed for many years. Mothers will be able to
receive the care they need nearer to home whilst making partners and families
lives easier too with reduced travel time. There is a structured training
and recruitment plan to ensure that when the unit opens we are able to offer the
best support and care for mother and their babies. I live in the Chorley area
and there is already a buzz of excitement building as the project gains momentum
and staff I come into contact are asking questions about this specialist branch
of mental health care!"
The Trust plans to open the unit in July 2018 and will be recruiting a for a
number of posts in the New Year including:- Band 6 registered mental health
nurses (RMNs), staff nurses, nursery nurses, a psychologist and occupational
therapist. Later in the year the Trust will also be recruiting a number of
health care support staff.
The unit is a huge step forward for everyone involved in perinatal mental health
across Cumbria and Lancashire. The Trust is also looking for people to be
involved in the planning of the new unit and has set up a closed Facebook group
for people to share experiences and have discussions about the plans for the
unit. If you would like to join the group,
email your details the team. For more information about
the service please visit:-
Lancashirecare.NHS.UK/Perinatal-Mental-Health. |
"A short time ago in a
City not so far, far away...."
Photographs by:-

PRESTON City Centre is undergoing a
makeover and the Guild Hall is 1 of the many attractions be updated. The
latest addition to the iconic venue is the venue LEVEL, which has the tagline:-
“Get your game on…” This is an amazing venue have just opened part
of the multi-purpose leisure and entertainment centre, that blends the likes of
a student union bar with a high-end sports bar, come kids activity centre… It
might sound mad, but it works amazingly well.
The venue offers a wide range of
things, from an indoor crazy golf course to a well-equipped bowling alley. But
now they also have an arcade section, which includes a very rare Star Wars
arcade game, which has been installed in LEVEL 1, the wake of the release of the
new movie, The Last Jedi, by local arcade collector and TV personality, Jonathan
The area also features a Jabba the Hutt hole, which can be located on
the:- ‘Trailer Trash Jim’s Crazy Golf…’ In early 2018, the centre
will be opening LEVEL 3 a section for both adults and children, with an all-ages
soft play area, called:- ‘The Daredevil Assault Course,’ and in LEVEL 1, the:-
‘End of Days Lazer Tag’ and ‘Karaoke Rooms’ will also
be opening soon…
Other Star Wars related activities will be taking place
throughout 2018, so keep an eye on:-
LevelPreston.Co.UK for all the latest
information, or follow them on
We can also confirm that even more
retro machines will be added over the next year, with the hopes of bringing
other Star Wars machines into the venue.
To find out more about Jonathan’s
massive collection of Star Wars retro arcade machines, reportedly the biggest in
Europe, go to:-
So to summarise,
this Christmas, remember your childhood and pop on down to LEVEL and have a go
at the retro arcade, especially the Star Wars machines…
