Letter and photos to the
Editor:- "A magical panto at the Casa Theatre"
Photographs by Alix Watson, supplied by
Julian Bond.

"THEY say a picture is worth a thousand
words so we've got a dozen below to entice you to come and see our magical
panto, Mother Goose, at Theatre At The Casa this week... But if the pictures
don't convince you, oh yes they will, but if not find out for yourself anyway by
coming to the show! Tickets are amazing value, only ₤7/₤5. All booking and show
details can be found below..." Julian Bond, Burjesta Theatre, in
Editors note:- "The show runs until 13 January 2017, when the last
performance will take place at 2pm. For more information we suggest you visit:-
or go to:-
Burjesta-Theatre.Co.UK or pop in to The Casa, located on Hope Street,
Liverpool (L1 9BQ.)"
