Local NHS trust produces
animation to help beat loneliness

THE Christmas and New Year festive
season can be a joyous time for most, celebrated with friends and loved ones.
However, many people can be gripped by stress, anxiety and loneliness. To
help people cope with loneliness, North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation
Trust has produced a short animation, with handy tips and advice on how to
maintain good mental health and wellbeing.
Nearly a million older people say they feel lonelier at Christmas time,
especially those age 65 and over, who are especially vulnerable to isolation,
which can have a serious effect on health. According to Age UK some older people
say they go for over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or family
Feeling lonely isn't in itself a mental health problem, but the two are strongly
linked. Having a mental health problem increases your chance of feeling lonely,
and feeling lonely can have a negative impact on your mental health.
Steve Hull, Deputy Director of Nursing and Quality said:- "Christmas can
be a difficult time of year for some people, leading to a negative impact on
their mental health and wellbeing. We hope the advice in our animation provides
some help for our service users and carers, especially those who live alone."
For anyone struggling over the festive period
with stress, anxiety or feeling they can't cope with day to day life, including
thoughts of suicide or self harm, please visit the help in a crisis page on the
Trust's website for support and advice:-
NWBH.NHS.UK/Help-In-A-Crisis. You can watch the beat loneliness
animation at:
NWBH.NHS.UK/Are-You-Winter-Ready? |