Welcoming in 2018, Our New
Years Eve Photographs
Photographs by Patrick Trollope.
AS is with tradition our Editor headed out on New
Year's Eve to take photographs as the countdown loomed to 12 and the start of
2018. This year we in Formby we visited:- The Grapes, The Pinewoods, The
Freshfield, Sorrento, The Riva Lounge, then it was off to Southport. In
Southport we popped into the Fox and Goose, O'learys Irish Bar, Cocoa House, Le
Grog and Sacrebleu. These venues, every year offer a fantastic atmosphere
for those wanting to celebrate the New Year in. Don't sit at home next New
Year's Eve, welcome in 2019, via visiting your Town or Village local clubs, bars
and restaurants. Enjoy the atmosphere like these people, on our photographs did,
welcoming in 2018... Thanks, to all the venues for your help in keeping our
tradition alive... Let us know what you thought of New Years Eve and tell
us what you did, via emailing us to:-
News24@SouthportReporter.com. The photographs are in no set
order, so check all pages you are never know what page your photos
might be on! Also don't forget to take a look at our predictions for
2018 and our look back over
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