520,000 North West
businesses can get free help with their Tax Returns

THE North West's 521,795 small businesses are urged to
sign up to an easy to use forum to get top Tax tips.
With the midnight, on 31 January 2018, deadline for Self Assessment Tax Returns
to be filed online approaching, businesses are urged to join HM Revenue and
Custom’s (HMRC) Small Business Online Forum.
It is hosting Q&A help sessions throughout January on how to file, paying taxes
for the 1st time and how to use HMRC's digital services.
The Q&As are aimed at new enterprises and start ups but any self employed
individual or new business can sign up to the forum, which launched in August
The sessions, where questions are answered by HMRC specialists, are on:-
► Friday, 5 January 2018, from 11am to noon.
► Friday, 12 January 2018, from 1pm to 2pm.
► Thursday, 18 January 2018, from 1pm to 2pm.
► Friday, 26 January 2018, from 1pm to 2pm.
Businesses can also share their experiences and knowledge on the forum.
Just sign up with an email address, password and create a
username at:-
Businesses looking for Self Assessment advice can also access HMRC’s YouTube
videos and webinars through the forum.
HMRC’s Customer Services Director General, Angela MacDonald, said:- "The
Small Business Online Forum is a vital tool full of great advice and handy hints
to make life a little easier for those starting up in business. All small firms
should take advantage of the Q&A sessions, especially with the Self Assessment
deadline approaching at the end of January 2018."
The deadline for sending 2016 to 2017 Tax Returns to HMRC, and paying any Tax
owed, is 31 January 2018.
Please also keep an eye out for a rise in Tax related scam
emails and phone calls through out 2018. You can get advice on how to spot
them via the UK Government website:-
Gov.UK. |