Visitors asked to help
prevent the spread of flu

VISITORS with cold and flu symptoms are
being asked to stay away from Southport and Ormskirk hospitals unless absolutely
necessary to prevent their spread.
Andrew Chalmers, Deputy Director of Infection Prevention and Control, said:-
'There are a number of visitors who I've seen visiting their relatives over
the weekend who seemed particularly poorly themselves with coughs, colds and
even flu like symptoms. So, unless it is absolutely necessary, please stay home
and get well before you visit. Please bear with us at these challenging times.
Our main priority is to contain the flu virus and to protect all our patients
and ensure they fully recover as soon as possible so they can return home to
their family and friends.'
Andrew advised people with a suspected flu virus, or family members suffering
from one, to visit the NHS Choices website for information.
People across Merseyside and West Lancashire are being reminded of the simple
message to protect themselves and others from cold and flu this winter:-
"Catch it. Bin it. Kill it."
► CATCH IT – Always carry tissues and use them to cover your nose and mouth
when you cough or sneeze.
► BIN IT – Dispose of used tissues as soon as possible.
► KILL IT – Clean your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer
following coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.
► The most up to date and comprehensive
national information about flu is