Lancashire Care's pledge to provide
opportunities for Military Veterans seeking employment

WITH around 120,000 working age
veterans currently seeking employment in the UK, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation
Trust has signed up as a pilot organisation in a programme which pledges to
support employment opportunities for Military Veterans in the NHS.
The Step into Health programme connects employers in the NHS to people from the
Armed Forces community, by offering an access route into employment and career
development opportunities. The programme recognises the transferable skills and
cultural values that Armed Forces personnel develop when serving, and how they
are compatible with those required within NHS roles.
The Trust is committed to providing opportunities for military veterans to
obtain employment within the NHS. The Trust is looking to raise awareness, share
best practice and improve access to employment and is working in partnership
with neighbouring trusts, local organisations that work with the armed forces
including Community Transition Partnership, NHS Employers and Bay Healthcare
Partners. The pledge underpins the Trust's commitment and includes insight days
and work experience placements for military personnel to get an understanding of
roles within the health service including apprenticeship opportunities and a
designated point of contact within the organisation. The Trust is also reviewing
the recruitment process and removing any barriers to support the pledge
including improving its recruitment web pages in order to make jobs more
Professor Heather Tierney Moore at Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust said:-
'Our pledge to the Step in to Health campaign shows our commitment and
support to providing the best opportunities for Military Veterans. The programme
allows us as an employer to connect with those who are seeking employment within
our local community and offer a smooth route into employment and access to
career development opportunities. We recognise and value the transferable
skills, experiences and commitment of the people that have served in the armed
forces and believe that these attributes support our own values within
Lancashire Care and the wider NHS'
The Trust has a number of staff champions across the organisation to support
individuals from the armed forces directly with employment opportunities and
clinical services. The Trust also has commitment at executive board level to
deliver its pledge. The Trust has also been successful in receiving a bronze
award as part of The Ministry of Deference (MoD) employer recognition scheme and
is working towards the silver by developing the ongoing work as part of the
stepping in to health pledge.
For more information about recruitment at The Trust please visit
website and for more information
about the Step in to Health Campaign please visit
the NHS Employers