Health trust wins children
and young people's mental health innovation award

A young people's mental health service
from local NHS trust CWP has been named:- 'Innovator of the Year' at this year's
National Children and Young People's Mental Health Awards.
The accolade, won by Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust's (CWP)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), was awarded to the Trust for
its pioneering mental health support website,
MyMind has been co-produced with young people accessing CAMHS and aims to
support anyone interested in the mental health and wellbeing of children and
young people across Cheshire and Wirral.

This is the latest in a long line of recognition for the site, which has a
growing reputation nationally as a pioneering digital resource that supports the
mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. In recent years,
Mymind has been named winner at the iNetwork Innovation Awards and has also been
highly commended in both the 'Innovation in CAMHS' category at the Positive
Practice in Mental Health Awards and the 'Innovation in Mental Health' category
at the Health Service Journal (HSJ) Awards.
Dr Fiona Pender, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Director at local
mental health Trust CWP, said:- "We were really proud to be winners at the
inaugural National Children and Young People's Mental Health Awards and to be
recognised for all the work that young people, their families and staff put into
delivering and maintaining the MyMind website."
At the ceremony in Manchester's Town Hall, CWP's CAMHS service was highly
commended in no less than 4 categories on the night. The Winsford CAMHS
service was highly commended in the Contribution to Services category for their
mental health in Schools project - #mymindmystory, Rebecca Bywater was highly
commended in the volunteer of the year category for her work assisting the CAMHS
Listen up group and contribution to Schools mental health training, and Helen Bibby was highly commended in the parent/carer/sibling category for her support
in the mental health in Schools project.
Dr Pender added:- "We're also incredibly proud of Rebecca and Helen, who
were shortlisted in the awards and attended the event, as well as our Winsford
CAMHS staff for their mental health in Schools project."
Year of the Volunteer
SEFTON Council, in partnership with
Sefton CVS, is dedicating 2018 as the Year of the Volunteer! Following on from
the huge success of the 'Year of the Coast,' the tireless work of Sefton's
thousands of volunteers, who give an astonishing 116,000 hours of their time
each week, will be celebrated in a yearlong campaign to raise awareness of how
much volunteers do for the borough.
Volunteers make a real difference in Sefton. They touch people's lives in so
many different ways, providing comfort and support, fostering community
development, and actively helping to keep Sefton clean, green and beautiful.
Volunteering also has a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of those who
participate in it.
'The Year of the Volunteer' will be officially launched, on Tuesday, 6 February
2018, at
The Atkinson, Southport, where partners, community groups and residents can
learn more about what 2018 has in store for the voluntary, community and faith
sector and how to get involved.
Throughout the year we will be celebrating a number of different volunteer
themes including health and wellbeing, animals and the environment, culture, the
armed forces and youth volunteering.
Cllr Trish Hardy, Sefton Council cabinet member for Communities and Housing,
said:- "In recognising the valuable role that volunteers play, it made
sense that 2018 becomes the Year of the Volunteer.
This theme will not only celebrate the vital work that volunteers do, but
hopefully it will encourage other people to get involved as well.
Throughout the year we hope to celebrate the valuable contribution that
volunteers make, highlight the volunteering opportunities available in Sefton
and increase the number of people who sign up to volunteering activities."
Sefton CVS Chief Executive Angela White OBE said:- "Sefton CVS and the
Volunteer Centre Sefton are delighted to be working in partnership with Sefton
Council to highlight the work of local volunteers and the organisations across
the borough throughout 2018. The Volunteer Centre Sefton will continue to
play an active role I supporting local residents to access volunteer roles, and
also support local voluntary, community and faith sector groups to recruit,
manage and retain volunteers."
Further information about the launch event and themes for Year of the Volunteer
will be released in due course.
Man charged in connection to New Ferry
ON the evening of 25 March 2017, an
explosion rocked the junction of Boundary Road and Circular Drive, New Ferry,
Wirral, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. As a result of
investigations by Merseyside Police, on Tuesday, 16 January 2018, they confirmed
that they had charged a 56 year old male in connection with the explosion.
Pascal Blasio, of Gillingham, Kent, was the owner and director of Homes in Style
Furniture Shop which was located at the site of the explosion. We are informed
that he was charged with causing an explosion likely to endanger life. The
particulars of the charge being that, on 25 March 2017, in Birkenhead, he
unlawfully and maliciously caused, via an explosive substance, an explosion of a
nature likely to endanger life or cause serious injury to property. Pascal
Blasio has since been released on Conditional Bail and is due to appear at
Wirral Magistrates Court, on Wednesday, 4 April 2018.
Contract Natural Gas Limited (CNG), an independent gas supplier which provides
gas exclusively to business customers, has also been charged with an offence
under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, for failing to discharge general
health and safety duty to a person other than an employee. The particulars of
that charge being that between 22 August 2012 and 25 March 2017, in Birkenhead,
they failed to conduct its undertaking to ensure, so far as is reasonably
practicable, the health and safety of persons not in its employment, including:-
Lewis Jones, by failing to ensure that the redundant live gas service to 43
Bebington Road, New Ferry, was disconnected following removing the meter.
In relation to the other 2 males arrested in connection with the incident:-
► No action will be taken against a 63 year old man
from the Flintshire area.
► A 65 year old man from Cheshire was notified in July
2017 that he was no longer under Police investigation.