Phone Bills and 'unlimited' TXT

IF you are a mobile phone user, you
probably use TXT messages. TXT messages are a convenient and useful way to send
and receive information and to have short conversations. Most people who have
'unlimited text' messages on their tariffs might suddenly find it is
not as unlimited as they would expect. Many of us know that picture messages, in
the UK, will result in an extra charge, but you might not be aware that on some
networks, your text might have turned into a picture message until your bill
arrives. Because, as we have recently found out, on
o2's website states about your text-
► You've included a symbol, emoticon or emoji.
► You're sending a group text.
► The message is too long.
► The message has a subject line.
► Sending a text with or without attachments to an
email address will always be charged as an MMS.
This is a common issue we have found out and not just on o2. In a statement on
Twitter to us, o2 UK said:- "This is
a phone feature and not something we're able to control we're afraid." We do stress that this is not just an o2
related issue, but this happens on other networks as well, so do check your
providers terms and conditions around text message delivery and sending.
If you are not a prolific texter and have never gone over your limit before, you
might be in for a shock if you do go over and you have not checked... Also
sending Christmas and New Year group messages might land you with a very big
phone bill, if you group send your messages.
What we want to know is, have you experienced higher bills than you expected?
Did you get told that your handset might send more characters than your txt
limit, as say, on o2 of 160 characters. If you got your hand set form any UK
network, were you warned that your 'unlimited text' plan has a limit on how many
characters your can send? The other question we are interested is, were you told
that your phone can go over this, when you received your handset? Please email
us to:- if you have any thoughts our views on
this issue. We would also ask if you are willing for us to include your comments
as examples to both Ofcom and our local MPs for comments about this issue,
please indicate you are OK with that. If you agree, but don't want your name or
contact information provided to them, also please indicate this, and we will
remove them from the comment before sending...... We also have a Twitter Poll about this issue that
will be open until Monday, 22 January 2018, about this issue. If you would like
to take part, please click on