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Publication Date:- 2018-02-24
News reports located on this page = 4.

Transport for the North invites Liverpool City Region's views on draft Strategic Transport Plan

TRANSPORT for the North has commenced a 13 week consultation on its draft Strategic Transport Plan for the North, inviting people's views at an event being held in Liverpool on Wednesday, 28 February 2018.

Senior Transport for the North representatives will be visiting Liverpool as part of a dedicated session to outline the plan's recommendations, advise on what this could mean for Liverpool and the surrounding area and invite questions and feedback that people may have.

Frank Rogers, Chief Executive of Merseytravel and Interim Head of Paid Service for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority said:- "Linking Liverpool City Region via new rail lines to the HS2 and Northern Powerhouse Rail networks will deliver an extra ₤15 billion boost to the Liverpool City Region economy. The recent ₤100 million commitment from the Government for 'passive provision' to enable the connection of HS2 and Northern Powerhouse Rail lines between Liverpool and Manchester and Liverpool and London and the subsequent confirmation that this will be included in the forthcoming Hybrid Bill for HS2 Phase 2b represent major steps forward. The Transport for the North Strategic Transport Plan is a key part of achieving the connectivity we need and I urge everyone with an interest in the future prosperity of our region to take the chance to look at the plans and have their say."

Barry White, CEO, Transport for the North said:- "An incredible amount of work has gone into the production of the draft Strategic Transport Plan including collaboration between the public and private sector across the whole of the North. The plan is underpinned with a robust evidence base making a compelling case for the investment priorities that would transform the economy of the North and the UK as a whole. I'm delighted that we're now in a position to share this work with the public and invite their questions and comments. This is crucial to ensuring the plan is fit for purpose and meets the needs and aspirations of those who will benefit from improved infrastructure and economic prosperity, the citizens of the North.  This is 1st time transport in the North has been looked at on a Pan-Northern level offering a unique opportunity for everyone to have their say on what matters to them in their areas. I'd encourage people to attend the event."

The drop in consultation is open to everyone and is an opportunity for members of the public to formally submit their feedback on the plan which will be analysed and fed into the final 'Strategic Transport Plan' before its release later in the year.

The event will be held at Liverpool University's Foresight Centre (1 Brownlow Street, Liverpool L69 3GL) on Wednesday, 28 February 2018, between 4pm to 7pm.

Event schedule:-

4pm to 5pm - Presentation from Transport for the North representative and Q+A.
5pm to 6pm - Drop-in Q+A.
6pm to 7pm - Presentation from Transport for the North representative and Q+A.

The 30 year plan, which was released in draft, on Tuesday, 16 January 2018, is the 1st of its kind and outlines how transport connections across the North of England need to be transformed by 2050 to drive growth and close the economic gap between the North and the rest of England.

Transport for the North's public consultation runs until 17 April 2018, with similar engagement events taking place across the North. A final version of the plan will be published later in the year and submitted to the Government for ministerial consideration.

Find out more by visiting:- TransportForTheNorth.Com/STP.

Workers in the North West put in ₤2.8 billion worth of unpaid overtime last year

ACROSS the UK public sector employees make up 25% of total employees but produce 39% of all unpaid overtime. Workers in the North West gave their employers ₤2.8 billion of free labour in 2017 by doing unpaid overtime, according to new analysis of official statistics published by the TUC.

467,517 people in the North West put in an average of 7.6 hours a week in unpaid overtime during 2017. This averages ₤5,897 a year that each of those workers is losing out in pay.

Workers can check how much more they'd get each year if their overtime was paid at their usual rate at online.

TUC Regional Secretary for the North West Lynn Collins said:- "Lots of us are willing to put in a bit of extra time when it's needed. But it's a problem if it happens all the time. So today we're saying to workers in the North West, make sure you take a proper lunch break and go home on time. We're asking managers to leave on time too. Good bosses know that a long hours culture doesn't get good results. And the best way to lead is by example. If you're worried about the long hours culture where you work, get together with workmates and join a union. That's the best way to get your voice heard, and stop your boss breaking the rules."

Lynn Collins added:- "Public sector workers are more likely to work extra hours unpaid. It's a mark of how dedicated our public servants are and it's kept our Schools and Hospitals in the North West running through years of funding cuts. But public service workers have also had 8 years of real pay cuts, so they are being forced to do more for less. It's time the Government gave them the fully funded pay rise they have earned."

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