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Publication Date:- 2018-05-12
News reports located on this page = 2.

Liverpool author named Patron of Reading

LIVERPOOL writer Jude Lennon has been added to an A-list of best selling authors which includes:- Michael Rosen and Vivian French after being named a Patron of Reading.

Miss Lennon, author of 10 children's books including:- 'Dragon of Allerton Oak', 'Pirate Lamby' and latest publication:- 'Hal and the End Street', took up the new role in April.

As an official Patron of Reading Miss Lennon, who also runs storytelling business Little Lamb Tales, will work with specific Schools in the Liverpool and Merseyside areas to develop a range of projects aimed at improving reading and writing among pupils.

For the next 12 months she will be working with teachers and pupils at Manor Primary School in Birkenhead which has recently launched a new project called:- 'The Power of the Book.'

The project aims to use books and literature to inspire the children's writing and love of reading. The children and Miss Lennon recently kicked it into action with an Alice and Wonderland themed day.

Miss Lennon said:- "I am really honoured to have become an official Patron of Reading for Manor Primary School. Around 200 Schools in the UK are now working regularly with authors to develop and encourage a reading for pleasure culture among pupils. It is a fantastic opportunity for authors like me to use our passion for writing to inspire and engage young readers. We have lots of exciting projects planned over the next 12 months which will hopefully get youngsters more involved in reading and encourage even the most reluctant readers to get enthused about books. We are hoping to establish a book club, host some writing workshops, develop some drama sessions and also get parents involved. There is so much scope for creativity when you delve into the world of literature and it's my aim to bring books alive and generate a passion for the written word."

Headteacher Nicola Lightwing said they were delighted to welcome Miss Lennon as the School's new patron of reading.  Headteacher Nicola Lightwing told us that:- "As a School, we have a creative curriculum that develops the children's love of learning and reading for pleasure. We were looking for opportunities to enhance this and Miss Lennon happened to come and talk to the children about Road Safety. Miss Lennon took this serious topic, made it exciting and engaging and totally hooked the children in. Therefore we had no hesitation but to invite Miss Lennon back to be our Patron of Reading."

Deputy head Nikki Tonge said the Alice in Wonderland storytelling session had 'inspired' children to write their own stories and pupils working with Miss Lennon said:- "The author encouraged us to enjoy stories by letting us join in. She opened our minds and our imaginations. We can't wait to have her back!"

Most authors acting as a Patron of Reading work with individual Schools for up to a year, visiting pupils regularly and developing projects which encourage reading. The partnership between each author and School differs but the emphasis is always on encouraging reading for pleasure.

To find out more about the Patron of Reading scheme visit:- PatronOfReading.Co.UK and to keep up to date with work being undertaken by Miss Lennon visit the website.

CWP leading the way in 'National Best Practice'

A number of best practice examples from local NHS Trust CWP can be found in a new publication which aims to help mental health trusts across the country improve services.

Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP), alongside 8 other mental health trusts, partnered with NHS Improvement to pull together learning which has helped them improve the services they offer. CWP shared a total of 9 case studies; the most to appear in the document; and a number of resources and helpful quotes to support those looking to implement change.

Many of CWP's case studies reflect the trusts commitment in involving people who access services, their carers and families in decisions about changes to the care they receive. These include case studies into improving initial mental health assessments using experience based design, improving the dementia pathway and improving the effectiveness of pre-admission assessments.

Also featured in the publication is CWP's Big Book of Best Practice, which features further case studies from around the trust which aim to demonstrate examples of leading clinical practice and facilitate the sharing of innovative ideas.

Sheena Cumiskey, Chief Executive of CWP, said:- "It's been an honour to work with NHS Improvement and other partners to create a resource that will help shape mental health services in future. Our Trust prides itself on working with those who use services, their families and carers to improve services and this resource is a great reflection of that work."

The publication was launched by NHS Improvement, on 28 March 2018 and is available now to download.

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