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UK Parliament artist to create artworks with Liverpool residents to explore impact of race relations laws

ARTIST Scarlett Crawford has been appointed by the UK Parliament for a new project entitled:- 'First Waves' - Exploring the impact of race relations legislation in the UK. Over the course of her artist residency, Scarlett is holding workshops at partner organisations across the country, including the Bluecoat, Liverpool's Centre for the Contemporary Arts. The project is timed to coincide with the 50th Anniversary of the 1968 Race Relations Act, which made unlawful acts of discrimination within employment, housing and advertising. It was part of a series of Acts that sought to outlaw racial discrimination in Britain.

Parliament's First Waves artist will be holding a series of workshops in Liverpool in August 2018 to creatively capture the voices of generations who have been directly impacted by the Race Relations Acts, but who may have had little opportunity to have their voices heard in Westminster. These are taking place 20 August to 23 August 2018, at Bluecoat, in partnership with The Greenhouse Project and Liverpool Community Spirit.

The artworks created will be exhibited in the community at the end of the year, before being displayed in Parliament for an exhibition in 2019 which will look at the impact of race relations legislation and the stories of the people who fought for change. The artworks will then be returned permanently to Liverpool and the community that inspired them.

Scarlett Crawford, First Waves artist, said:- "I'm really excited to have been chosen to creatively explore the impact of race relations legislation across the country. Working in collaboration with local communities in Liverpool I hope to discover the unheard stories of those who were affected by the changes, to honour the contributions of those who led the way, and to inspire future generations of people from all backgrounds to engage with art and politics."

Bec Fearon, Head of Engagement, Bluecoat said:- "Bluecoat has always been a space where people can access new skills and ideas through working with artists. We are excited to be collaborating with Scarlett, and our partners at The Greenhouse Project and Liverpool Community Spirit, to make sure diverse young people have a voice within the First Waves project."

Alison McGovern MP, Chair of the Speaker's Advisory Committee on Works of Art, said:- "Scarlett Crawford is uniquely qualified to take on what is a challenging artistic residency, and the Speaker's Advisory Committee on Works of Art is excited to see the artworks gathered together in Parliament in 2019. The First Waves project will help achieve a more diverse Parliamentary Art Collection that is reflective of the broad experiences and perspectives of communities across the country."

Crosby gallery showcases winning photographs by local Schoolchildren

CROSBY'S County Gallery is currently hosting an exhibition of photography showcasing the work of local Schoolchildren. The photos on display were commended and highly commended by judges at this year's Crosby Junior Photographic competition, which was run jointly by Crosby Rotary Club and Crosby Camera Club.

A range of both colour and black and white prints are on display at the gallery, representing the best photographic work from pupils at Crosby and Waterloo Schools. These include the overall winners:- 'Spring Heaven' by Anna Sugden from St Mary's School and 'Blossom' by Dylan Cureton from Holy Family School.

The exhibition runs until Saturday, 25 August, 2018 at the gallery on College Road.  For more information please contact County Gallery on:- 0151 932 1847.

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