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MacMillan bowled over by ₤800 donation

A flat green bowling taster session staged in King's Gardens, Southport, has helped raise ₤800 for Macmillan Cancer Support. Southport Flat Green Bowling Club and Club Member, Derek Maxwell, from Marshside, organised the fundraiser, which was open to members and anyone wanting to try their hand at the sport.

Derek, a retired pensions consultant, was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in 2015; a week before he was due to move from Derbyshire to Southport. Since then he has been, and continues to be, supported by the team at Macmillan's Cancer Information and Support Centre on Stanley Street, Southport.

The 71 year old, who is married with a son and 2 grandsons, said:- "It was a fantastic afternoon and we had a great turn out. All six rinks of the public green were used by non club members, who came along to support the event. A big thank you to all the club members, the general public for their support and generosity, and also an enormous thank you to Sooty's Plants for their kind donation of plants, which helped raise ₤800 for Macmillan and the great work that they do. I know that help is there from Macmillan Cancer Support, whenever it is needed. That is why I wanted to give something back by having an enjoyable afternoon playing flat green bowls, whilst at the same time raising valuable funds for such a worthwhile cause."

During the day there was a tombola, entertainment from the Macmillan Singers, plant and cake stalls, which, along with donations, raised ₤800 for Macmillan.

Club member Derek and Vice President, Ray McManus, presented the cheque to Tanya Mulvey, Macmillan's Information and Support Centre Manager in Southport.

Tanya added:- "We are so grateful to Derek, Southport Flat Green Bowling Club and everyone who supported this fantastic fundraiser for Macmillan. The ₤800 raised will help us support local people affected by cancer and make a real difference to the lives of people living with cancer right across the North West."

If you have any questions or concerns about cancer, contact Macmillan Cancer Information and support Centre on:- 01704 533024 or email:- SFCCG.MacMillancic@NHS.Net.

Hugh Baird College celebrates increase in high grade GCSE pass rates

HUGH Baird College students and staff were in celebratory mood today after high grade pass rates, in both GCSE Maths and English, increased for the year in a row for both 16 to 18 year olds and students within the College's 14 to 16 provision.

There were also high spirits among adult learners as the College celebrated a 98.7% pass rate for learners in Maths and English combined, with an impressive 100% pass rate in English.

David Rigby, Vice Principal for Curriculum and Quality at Hugh Baird College said:- "There's been an incredible atmosphere at the College today. I would like to congratulate all our students on their GCSE results and wish them every success with their next step. These results reflect an enormous amount of hard work by our students as well as the dedication and support from our tutors who challenge them to achieve their full potential."

Amy MacDonald, a Hugh Baird 14-16 College student, celebrated after achieving an 8 grade in English Language, a 6 in Mathematics and a Merit in her vocational subject area, Hospitality & Catering. Amy, from Southport, is now set to study A-levels in Psychology, Law, Philosophy and English in order to fulfil her goal of studying a degree in Criminology at University.

Amy said:- "I'm really chuffed with my results, especially the 8 in English Language, I wasn't expecting that! My experience at the 14 to 16 College has been great. I joined the College at 14 and when I look back today, I just don't recognise the person I was when I started. I've changed so much, especially my confidence. This is down to the support of the staff and the grown up environment at the 14-16 College"

25 year old Lisa Hanson has secured her place at Liverpool Hope University to study to become a teacher thanks to achieving a grade 4 in Mathematics. Lisa, from Norris Green, also achieved an overall Distinction grade on her Access to Higher Education - Education Professions course. When Lisa finished School, she spent 8 years working in retail before deciding that she wanted a career change. In order to progress to University, she simultaneously studied for her Maths GCSE alongside the College's Access to Higher Education course.

Speaking after picking up her results, Lisa said:- "I'm absolutely over the moon, I never thought I'd get to Uni. I needed to get this grade in order to secure my place. It's such a relief. I've had an amazing time at the College, I've loved every minute. The support from the tutors has been brilliant and the personal and study support you have access to has been invaluable."

David Rigby, Vice Principal for Curriculum and Quality at Hugh Baird College, continued:- "The results today show that, on average, learners who join us aiming to better their GCSE results from School, have improved their results by almost a full grade. Some stand out students have really excelled themselves by leaping to a grade three levels above what they left School with. As a College, we are renowned for the support we provide our students. We find that many have become disengaged with Maths and English after studying the subjects at High School. The message from the College is clear, if students are willing to dedicate themselves and work hard on their Maths and English, then our dedicated Maths and English and Learner Support team will be help you all the way."

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