FOUR extra police officers will be pounding the beat in Anfield in a bid to crack down on youth anti-social behaviour at weekends.
The move comes after months of work with local people, and organisations ranging from Liverpool City Council and Merseyside Police to schools, the drug and alcohol action team, Liverpool anti-social behaviour unit and registered property owners.
Whilst police are hitting the streets, work will also be going on 'behind the scenes' in schools and the community itself including action taken on the prevention of drug abuse. Liverpool City councillor Flo Clucas said,
"This is part of a much wider range of work we're doing in the area to help the vast majority of decent people who want to live in a safe and welcoming community.
Over the coming years there are big plans for the Anfield and Breckfield area, and this is only the very first step. It is not right that people put up with anti-social behaviour on their doorstep. We'll start in the schools to try and stop youngsters behaving in such a way, to prevent the problem."
Merseyside Police Neighbourhood Inspector for Anfield, Breckfield and Tuebrook, Mark Harrison, said,
"Officers in the neighbourhood, working together with partner agencies, are continually targeting anti social behaviour using various policing techniques and we have arrested and charged a number of people with anti social behaviour offences.
Anti social behaviour can seriously affect peoples lives and I want to stress to the minority of youths in the area who making peoples lives a misery that anti social behaviour will not be tolerated, officers will be working together with our partners in this initiative to continue and improve on successes we have already achieved."
- Southport
FLOAT. We have got a surprise in stall for you all.
on for more about the team...

- 'So You Want to be Cabin Crew?' The One Day Seminar
- Saturday 12th July 9:45-16:30, £49.50 per person
The Campanile Hotel, Queens Dock, Liverpool
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This one-day seminar covers in great depth what the job actually entails, the airline recruitment process, interview techniques and so much more. Andrew ensures that the candidates enjoy themselves throughout and therefore the seminar is highly interactive, with candidates taking part in safety demonstrations and interview role-plays.
For further information and credit card bookings please contact travelvocation.com
on 07984 449819 or go to www.travelvocation.com
- Writing On The Wall Festival
THE 'Writing on the Wall' Festival, one of the highlights of Merseyside's
cultural calendar showcases the some of the most amazing home-grown
talent of Birmingham, Liverpool, Chicago and Istanbul from writers across local communities representing ethnic and cultural groups.
After the success of WOW2002, Jimmy McGovern has again worked with in
conjunction with First Light and pupils from eleven schools, to make six
powerful ten-minute films for a six-day period, beginning June 23, which features films premiered at the Liverpool Empire Theatre on June 29 after the festivals completion.
A pair of tickets available in our competition are up for grabs for the first two people to answer the following question correctly.
What is the connection between Liverpool and Wuthering Heights, written by
Emily Bronte?
Tickets for the closing event of WOW2003 are in high demand. They are now
available from the Unity Ticket Office on 0151 709 4988, £5 / £2.
For more information visit:- www.writingonthewall.org.uk