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A new chapter for Giants

4 days, 4 Giants; 1 unforgettable event which will result in 1 very special book. Due to popular demand, Liverpool City Council is set to produce a limited edition book which will contain more than 100 beautiful images of Liverpool's Dream to thought to be the City's biggest ever event, attracting around 1.3million people to Liverpool and Wirral. The team wants anyone who thinks they have a fantastic or unique photograph to submit it the Giants Team for the chance for it to be included in the final publication. In order for the image to be considered:-

No more than 2 images per person can be submitted.

Each image must be at least 3MB.

There must be no copyright or permissions attached to use the image.

Images must be submitted by people over the age of 16.

No payment will be given for any of the images provided, but the photographer will be credited in the book.

Anyone who would like to share their photographic gem needs to head to:- GiantSpectacular.Com, fill in the form and upload the images. And if you don't want to submit a photo of the event but would like to let the team know what the Giants mean to you, head to the same page on the website. Just add your memory or thoughts, name, age, where you live and a photo of yourself, and it may also be included in the special souvenir. In order to publish the book in time for Christmas, the deadline is tight and all images or comments about the Giants need to be received by 5pm, on Monday, 15 October 2018.

Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Culture, Tourism and Events, Councillor Wendy Simon, said:- "Within hours of Liverpool's Dream finale, we were being asking if a book would be produced so people could re-live the incredible spectacle they had experienced.  The event was such a wonderful moment in the cultural history of Liverpool and Wirral that there was no question of not having a book showcasing some of its highlights.  We know that there will be thousands of incredible pictures captured by the audience, and this is going to make it really tough to choose which ones appear in print.  But we urge people to share a couple of their favourite photographic moments or let us know what impact the Giants have had on them, with the chance to have their handiwork and comments on display in this very special keepsake."

Cllr Phil Davies, Leader of Wirral Council, said:- "The Giant's visit to New Brighton was an unforgettable day and many of the 80,000 visitors who came to welcome him to Wirral will have taken stunning photos of his adventure.  The reaction to the whole event has been overwhelming and we're looking forward to seeing the images and reflections from this year's Giant Spectacular on both sides of the Mersey. This publication will allow the memories from this very special weekend to live on for many years to come."

The book is being produced in partnership with Royal de Luxe and Newhall Publishing Ltd. It will be available to purchase in November 2018.

More funding for Police, PCC set to urge at Public Accounts Committee

MERSEYSIDE'S Police Commissioner will argue for more funding for the Police in Parliament today as she gives evidence on the devastating impact of budget cuts over the last 8 years. Jane Kennedy is appearing at an oral evidence session of the Public Accounts Committee examining the financial sustainability of Police forces in England and Wales. The hearing follows on the from the recent publication of a National Audit Office report highlighting the lack of a long term funding plan for policing and significant gaps in the Home Office's understanding of the complex demands on Police services.

The Commissioner will appear at the evidence session alongside the Chief Constable of Durham Constabulary Michael Barton, the Vice President of the Police Superintendents' Association Chief Superintendent Paul Griffiths, and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall Alison Hernandez. Also appearing at the Committee is Her Majesty's Chief Inspectorate of Constabulary, Sir Tom Winsor. The Commissioner has previously spoken publicly of her disappointment at Sir Tom's negative approach towards the Police Service, his attack on senior leaders of Policing and for his introduction of Force Management Statements which has taken up more than a 1,000 Police hours to produce on Merseyside alone.

The National Audit Office report published in September slammed the Government for failing to have a clear picture of what individual forces need to meet local and national demands, or the funding required. The report confirmed that Merseyside Police is the ⅓ worst hit force across England and Wales, having had its total funding reduced by 23% since 2010; more than double the cuts imposed on other forces, such as Sussex which has only seen an 11% decrease. Jane said:- "There is a huge amount of evidence that our Police service is now in a perilous financial position. Experts both from within and outside the policing sector are telling ministers that action needs to be taken, and quickly. Yet, we see little sign of change. The Government's primary responsibility is to keep its citizens safe. With crime rising nationally and the threats facing our communities becoming ever more complex, I have no qualms in saying that they are now failing in this most fundamental of duties. In just 8 years central Government funding for our Police service has fallen across England and Wales by nearly a ⅓. Ministers should accept that austerity must end in reality, and not merely as a press statement. Even taking into account the extra funding raised from local people through Council Tax, Merseyside Police's budget has been slashed by 23% since 2010. The urban forces that are most similar to Merseyside are all among the top 10 worst affected and are the most disproportionately and unfairly affected. Cities which have some of the most deprived areas in the country and some massive safeguarding challenges, are being further disadvantaged by the most severe cuts to this most essential of public services. This puts the safety of the pubic directly at risk. I will be using this opportunity to describe, on a national stage, not only the struggles Merseyside Police are facing, but the dire state of Police funding across the country. The National Audit Office exists to help the Government spend wisely. This report makes it clear that the Government are failing. I will be using today's oral evidence session to urge the new Home Secretary to listen to the recommendations of the NAO, to reverse years of cuts and implement an approach to Police funding which is fair and provides Police forces with the money they so desperately need to keep our communities safe."

The Financial Sustainability of Police forces in England and Wales hearing will be held at Portcullis House, chaired by Meg Hillier MP.

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