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Women's charity cycling group devastated by theft of bikes

A charity cycling group aimed at building women's riding confidence say they've been left devastated after thieves stole bikes, tools and equipment from Norris Green Park in Liverpool. The equipment was taken from a locked container owned by the Friends of Norris Green Park which is used by Liverpool Loop Line Ladies as their cycling hub. Among the items stolen were 2 brand new Apollo Virtue Bikes.  Helen Ball, Club Secretary, said:- "It is devastating to us. The bikes were so new, not only does it mean women without bikes will no longer be able to participate in our weekly rides, but it is a big confidence blow to the group. For those gaining pace with their cycling, they may re-consider buying a bike for themselves for fear of having it stolen."

The group was formed in 2017 with the financial support from national charity Cycling UK to purchase the bicycles and grow their local women only cycling community. The women who take part in the rides have rediscovered the health and social benefits of regular cycling, in an area where bicycle ownership is very low. The club is now appealing for support either by donating a bike to the group or by helping to raise the much needed funds to replace the missing bicycles and equipment.  Helen said:- "We want to be able to continue to open our group to as many women as possible and this is a big setback for us. I am shocked at how they managed to break in, it must have taken some serious effort. Local people must have witnessed the theft taking place; the noise would have been significant. If anyone has any information, then please do get in touch."

The theft occurred overnight between Monday, 4 January and Tuesday, 5 January 2019. Anyone with any potential information about the incident should contact Merseyside Police on:- 0151 709 6010. For anyone looking to donate an unwanted bike to the cycling group, please contact the Cycling UK Press Office, on:- 01483 238 315 or call:- 07786 320 713, alternatively you can also send an email to:- PubliCity@CyclingUK.Org.

Government urged to simplify Commercial Premises Allowance

THE Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) is appealing to the Government to consider simplifying its planned Structures and Buildings Allowance (SBA). The CIOT has published its comments to HMRC on the new SBA announced by the Chancellor at Budget 2018.1 The CIOT welcomes the policy objective to encourage investment in the construction, and renovation, of structures and buildings, intended for commercial use and address a gap in the current capital allowances system and improve the UK's international competitiveness.  But the Institute thinks the current proposals for the SBA overcomplicate matters for taxpayers. John Cullinane, CIOT Tax Policy Director, said:- "We urge the Government to consider whether a simpler, more streamlined approach to the SBA is possible. The policy aims could have been achieved by a simpler approach of incorporating the relief for this expenditure into the existing capital allowances available."

If the UK Government decides to press ahead with its current plans, the policy aim of incentivizing investment could be achieved by giving the SBA to the person who incurs the expenditure at the proposed rate of 2% over 50 years. This approach would remove the complexities around future use of the structure or building or those arising as a result of a future transfer of the property, in particular relating to the information required to claim the SBA. John Cullinane said:- "There is a confusion in government thinking between, on the one hand, capital allowances as incentivizing expenditure and, on the other, capital allowances as the method of giving relief for types of genuine business expenditure. This confusion leads to much of the complexity in the current proposals."

CLA responds to Defra consultation on biodiversity net gain

THE CLA (Country Land and Business Association) have submitted its response to proposals within a Government consultation to make biodiversity net gain mandatory within the planning system. This would mean that developments would be required to produce a net increase in biodiversity, either by mitigating any harm caused, or compensating for it by creating additional wildlife habitats either on or off the development site. CLA President Tim Breitmeyer said:- "The CLA has long been supportive of biodiversity offsetting because it encourages new markets for the delivery of net environmental gains, which landowners are often best placed to deliver. If the Government's net gain policy is well designed and implemented, through the planning system, it could provide many benefits by contributing to the Government's ambitions to reverse the loss of biodiversity. It could also help to stimulate public support for environmentally friendly development of housing and will provide much needed certainty for developers. However, there is still a lot of detail and complexity to work out to ensure the policy delivers for all involved; landowners, developers, the environment and the public. It will be important for Local Authorities to have the capacity and capability to cope with the process. Our response to the consultation makes it clear there should be an exemption for small development sites of 20 houses or less, especially in rural areas, to avoid suppressing much needed rural housing."

FREE! Social Care Training - Open Evening

THE Liverpool Social Care Partnership, is a Not for Profit Community Interest Company (CIC), leading many local projects that have a focus on social care. 1 of these projects is a course to support work-less adults giving them the skills and knowledge to gain volunteering, employment or building a career in social care. This course is free to those who are unemployed, claiming benefits and are 19 Plus. So they are holding an Open Evening, information event, which will give details about a forthcoming pre-employment training programme, for anyone interested in building career in social care, on Tuesday, 12 February 2019, from 5.30pm until 8.30pm (arriving for 5.30PM.) If accepted to attend, you will gain both CACHE Level 1 and 2 qualifications:-

CACHE Level 1 Award in Employability Skills.

CACHE Level 2, Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care.

You will also receive some other additional training which is applicable to the social care sector.

This pre-employment training event at the:- Park Road Adult Learning Centre, 163 Park Road, Liverpool, L8 6SE.

Should you wish to find out more or would like to send in your to request to attend, please contact Rebecca, at Liverpool Social Care Partnership CIC, via calling:- 0151 270 1703. She will then provide more information and book your place, should you be eligible and there is still space.

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